Whether you’re really passionate about RPC, MQTT, Matrix or Nostr, tell us more about the protocols or open standards you have strong opinions on!

  • @DanTDM@lemmy.world
    02 months ago

    I wish the protocol used by Hotline Client took off, it was basically Discord in the 90s with its support for announcement/news posts and file sharing

    • lemmyreader
      02 months ago

      In that case, I’d like to chime in and add NFS to this list. The often overlooked jewel of the glorious past days. /j

      • @Mango@lemmy.world
        02 months ago

        So like… If I had a game installed on your computer, my computer could treat that game as if it’s local and load files over the Internet like it’s just reading my disk?

        That is cool as fuck.

      • @robolemmy@lemmy.world
        02 months ago

        They are humorous IETF standards published on 1 April over the years. These are specifically about implementing internet protocols using carrier pigeons instead of more traditional media like wires or optical fiber.

  • @hperrin@lemmy.world
    02 months ago

    I wish people used email for chat more. SMTP is actually a pretty great protocol for real time communication. People think of it as this old slow protocol, but that’s mostly because the big email providers make it slow. Gmail, by default, waits ten seconds before it even tries to send your message to the recipient’s server. And even then, most of them do a ridiculous amount of processing on your messages that it usually takes several seconds from the time it receives a message to the time it shows up in your account.

    There’s a project called Delta Chat that makes email look and act like a chat app. If you have a competent email service, I think it’s better than texting. It doesn’t stomp on the images you send like SMS and Facebook do, everyone has it unlike all the proprietary services, and you can run your own server for it that interacts with everyone else’s servers.

    Unfortunately, Google, Microsoft, etc all block you if you try to run your own server “to protect against spam”. Really, I’m convinced that’s just anticompetitive behavior. The fewer players are allowed to enter the email market, the less competition Gmail and Outlook will have.

    As much as I like ProtonMail too, unfortunately their encryption models prevents it from working with Delta Chat. I’d love to see Proton make a compatible chat app that works with their service.

    I made an email service called Port87 that I’m working on making compatible with Delta chat too. I’d love to see people using email the way it was originally meant to be used, to talk to each other, without being controlled by big businesses.

    • @morrowind@lemmy.ml
      02 months ago

      The delay is there because email has no deletion support.

      And a host of other shortcomings.

      I’d rather we replaced email with matrix

      • @hperrin@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        If you’re relying on the remote server to delete something, you can’t trust it no matter what protocol you’re using.

        For a regular email, the chance to undo might be fine, but for real time communication, it’s just an unnecessary road block.

        Maybe if it was optional per recipient, or per conversation, or better yet, depending on the presence of a header, it might be fine. Gmail only supports all-on or all-off.

    • @kevincox@lemmy.ml
      02 months ago

      SMTP is a terrible protocol. Text based for sending effectively binary data with complex header wrapping and “generate a random delimiter” framing. We really need a HTTP/2 of SMTP.

      That being said I agree that it exists and works. The biggest blocker to more IM-style communication is largely the UI and user expectations. I have no problem having quick back-and-forths over email but most people don’t expect it.

      • @hperrin@lemmy.world
        02 months ago

        Fair enough. Sending binary data over SMTP adds a lot of overhead, because it all has to be encoded. We should fix that.

    • @hperrin@lemmy.world
      02 months ago

      Oh, another awesome thing about email is that you can ensure that your address is always yours, even if you use an email service provider like Gmail. Any provider that supports custom domains will allow you to use your own domain for your address, then if you want to change your provider, you keep your address. So, since I own hperrin.com, I can use the address me@hperrin.com, and I know it’ll always be mine as long as I pay for that domain.

      This is a much better model than anything else. Even on the fediverse, you can’t have your own address unless you run your own instance.

      If your email service provider goes out of business or gets sold off (skiff.com, anyone?), as long as you’re on your own custom domain, your address is still yours.

      I’m working on custom domains for Port87. It’s definitely a feature I think every email provider should offer.

  • Dessalines
    2 months ago

    Markdown. Its only in tech-spaces that its preferred, but it should be used everywhere. You can even write full books and academic papers in markdown (maybe with only a few extensions like latex / mathjax).

    Instead, in a lot of fields, people are passing around variants of microsoft word documents with weird formatting and no standardization around headings, quotes, and comments.

    • CyclohexaneOPM
      02 months ago

      Markdown is awesome, I agree! I did not realize you could extend markdown with anything other than html. The html extension is quite nice to do anything that markdown doesn’t support natively, but I wish there was an easier way to extend markdown. Maybe the ones you listed are what I need.

    • @warmaster@lemmy.world
      02 months ago

      Depends on the type of book. Since you need HTML for all non default styles. Therefore, it raises the bar… you need a bit of web dev knowledge which removes the biggest benefit of markdown: simplicity / ease of use.

  • @jared@mander.xyz
    02 months ago

    I’ve been playing with MQTT on meshtastic. I really hope LoRa and meshtastic continue to grow.

  • @cosmicrose@lemmy.world
    02 months ago

    There are a bunch of message broker services out there, and having a consistent set of common keys along with a documented process for transforming events to/from different systems means that this kind of data can move through different systems without getting mangled. It does have a spec for JSON, so it can be considered just a standardized JSON blob with transformation rules. But it also has a protobuf spec, specs for MQTT, NATS, HTTP, Avro, etc. It’s a common language for all these systems.

  • @whotookkarl@lemmy.world
    02 months ago

    TeX. I was able to use it during school for some beautiful type setting and formatting but nobody I work with wants to use anything other than plain text or unfortunately more commonly binary wysiwyg editor formats. It’s frustrating and ugly.

  • मुक्त
    02 months ago






    Last, certainly not least… ActivityPub

      • lemmyreader
        02 months ago

        You’re going off-topic from the OP question :-) But to answer your new question : I do not trust Matrix enough when it comes to privacy. I know that this link is old but still. https://disroot.org/en/blog/matrix-closure

        Then again I do not trust Signal that much either but sometimes compromises need to be made to get things done. With XMPP the end user can host their own server if they wish to, without meta data going to a centralized point. And video calls via XMPP and Conversations were a pleasure to use when I used it during the Covid-19 pandemic.