Solid photoshop to the bottom frame 👏
I say solid bc it’s GIMPed
That’s nuts.
I totally failing to understand all the acorn references. What is going on.
Cop arrests someone and places him in handcuffs in the back of the cop’s SUV.
Cop hears an acorn fall on the SUV and thinks the arrested person that he placed in handcuffs and supposedly searched is shooting at him.
Cop falls to the floor and fires and entire magazine at his SUV while yelling that he’s been hit.
Luckily, despite being about 15 yards away from the SUV and unloading an entire magazine at the arrested person, he did not hit the arrested person in the SUV.
Cop then insists he’s been hit until the doctors at the hospital tell him he is fine and has not been hit with a bullet.
You can’t make this shit up.
- Cop then insists he’s been hit until the doctors at the hospital tell him he is fine and has not been hit with a bullet.
So… That dude is definitely getting a psychiatric release from his duties. Right?
Afaik he was ridiculed so much by his buddies and other locals that he quit the job.
A Florida cop went full Rambo on his patrol car after an acorn fell on it.
Cop hears acorn fall, so he does a roll and yells “I’m hit! He’s shooting!” And attempts to murder a handcuffed suspect in the back of the police car.
I think some of y’all have never had a nut or anything drop on top of your car before, but it absolutely can sound alarming enough to, in the context of a high stress situation, be interpreted by your brain as a potential shot in the same way a busted engine can.
To be clear, I think this is far more likely than most people are willing to understand, and this gets lost in the ‘all cops bad’ narrative.
Let’s say you’re absolutely 100% correct. Does that mean that claiming that you’ve been hit, diving onto the ground, and unloading a full clip at a handcuffed individual inside your own vehicle is the appropriate immediate response?
I was shot at once, and in the moment, you’re not sure that you haven’t been shot. Sometimes you can be in shock and not know because of adrenaline, it’s a real thing. It’s hard to explain how things happen in the moment.
I was once on a second story and watched the trees jump into the air, only understanding after a few seconds that what happened was the floor collapsed and I fell to the ground. Life doesn’t afford the ability to process things well when they happen quickly.