I’m wondering what the current favorite distros are besides the most popular ones like Arch, Debian and Fedora.

  • velox_vulnus
    4 months ago

    GuixSD is the best distro. Since I’m too stupid to understand Scheme, so I resort to using NixOS.

    • Chewy
      04 months ago

      My reason against using Guix is software availability. NixOS repos are just larger, and I like that on NixOS unfree software can be enabled with a single line.

      • @fishinthecalculator@lemmy.ml
        04 months ago

        with nonguix the lines are like five instead of one, but yes there are less packages than nix. the real selling point imho is how everything is human-sized and consistent

  • @BCsven@lemmy.ca
    04 months ago

    OpenSUSE Leap, has been a solid 7 year run, with flawless updates. And no graphics issues because nVidia hosts their own repo for the gpu drivers.

  • qyron
    04 months ago

    Tiny Core OS, because I want a super light distro to run from memory when trying to access computers where the data is still there but something went sour with the OS

  • @lipilee@feddit.nl
    04 months ago

    I’m really happy with Manjaro. I thought it would be a detour from Debian on my laptop, but I’ve been running it for like 2 years now.

  • @Mandy@sh.itjust.works
    04 months ago

    Solus as the Almighty Todd says “it just works” And that comes from someone which always has at least one problem, that problem being gaming.

    It aint solved mind you but it works marginable better on it.

    Example, anno 1404, no matter what distro or silly protondb config, or if I use a new steam profile or fresh distro , works.1 out of 10 times.

    But Solus, it just works, no hoop jumping needed

  • @fishinthecalculator@lemmy.ml
    04 months ago

    I think functional distros like Guix or Nix are just another thing. Their ability of programming , provisioning and deploying software environments is unparalleled. My personal favorite is Guix since, while having less packages than Nix, it has the most consistent experience: everything is in Scheme from the top to the bottom of the distro. Also it pushes really hard on a sane bootstrapping story while allowing for impurity through channels like nonguix .

    The main downside is the lack of tutorials and a documentation that’s very intense, let’s say. typical of GNU projects. I suggest the System Crafters youtube channel which has a lot of nice tutorials