Shamelessly stolen from hecks bare.
That’s the biggest sticking point for me, and it’s so big I’m not sure how liberals are ignoring it: we’re seeing what happens right now when you’re a friend to the US empire. How anyone can still advocate for being a friend to the US empire - outside of a desire to benefit from imperialism - astounds me.
Their takeaway is probably going to be “we should have been more of rabid unrepentant warmongerers and fielded US troops and instated no fly zone”
Taiwan should be taking notes
For me personally, I’m less Pro-Russia so much as I’m anti- Color Revolution, and everything since 2014 clearly proved that the Ukrainian ruling class were ready to become Western stooges.
Skill issue
I can get on board with most of these but to say that Ukraine deserved this is a bit too much imho
If someone hands you a baseball bat and tells you to beat up Superman for $2 of gum, and he kicks the shit out of you, you have no one else to blame.
Ukrainian fascists bought into decades of imperialist and white supremacist propaganda and refused to take responsibility for their stupid-ass actions and their bootlicking of far-right Banderite reactionary scumbags.
Russia is unironically more caring about Ukrainian sovereignty than Zelenskyy and the fascist west are.
I can only barely put into words scratching the surface of the stupidity, evil, and short-sightedness of UkraNazi fascists, they drive me even more up the wall than ZioNazis do. ZioNazis are also slightly more honest and transparent about their aims.
Of course I and every single other reasonable person feel sorrow for the extreme amounts of depression, suffering, destruction, debt and death that this conflict brings, and I highly doubt that anyone thinks that Russia’s aims in this conflict are pure or driven purely by altruism, or that all Ukrainians are somehow evil or responsible for the actions of some rich scumbags.
But yeah, I think it’s more than fair to say that the country brought this on itself. The government allowed itself to be a fleshlight and a battering ram to “own the Russians” and now that their shit is getting kicked in and they are facing consequences, they throw a fucking fit over their own stupidity, evil and actions, like a petulant child. And petulant children are a quadrillion times more reasonable, empathetic and intelligent than the UkraNazis are.
allowed itself
causality/agency feels a little complicated because the US has been pushing Banderite ideology in Ukraine since 1953 via CIA’s Operation Aerodynamic, and executed a coup against the country in 2014. Victoria Nuland specified who she wanted in each government position on a leaked phone call. iirc during Maidan they had coup snipers shooting people dead at protests for chaos value and provocation
I understand that. That is more like an excuse than a reason, though. Not saying you are saying it’s an excuse, and I’m not saying it doesn’t matter.
Ukraine didn’t deserve it, but Zelenskyy did.
Edit: And also the Banderites, of course.
I mean, wasn’t Ukraine bombing Russians for weeks or months before the war?
The better part of 8 years