Wouldn’t the planet rapidly start to cool? I think we’d be dead by morning
The core is still hot. If we bury ourselves deep underground, there is a chance the humanity could survive for thousands of years without a sun. If not humanity, then some sort of life will survive long enough for future archeologists to find it millions of years later.
But don’t quite me on this; I’m simply reciting from memory something I read in National Geographic or a similar publication 10-20 years ago. IDK how true this actually is.
We would need enough advance notice to prepare for massively farming mushrooms or something underground to eat. Canned food will run out in a few years, even military MREs have a shelf life. A few lucky people might survive a generation, but there’s a minimal breeding stock requirement to avoid degeneration from inbreeding. Extremely long odds, I think the human race would only survive this event in a sci-fi fantasy story.
I don’t know if I would call them the lucky ones.
If we bury ourselves deep
Yeah, something will live, but I was more thinking surface life.
Doesn’t the earth itself provide a significant amount of heat from the core? I’m sure I read somewhere that for something like every 10 meters down you dig, the temperature raises by 1° celcius. So maybe we’d not notice a temperature drop so quickly?
Not sure how quick exactly, but the earth doesn’t provide enough heat, not even close. Kurzgesagt has a video on a similar subject, without the
trillions1.7e17 Watts showering the earth every second we’d get awfully cold awfully quick. They are talking about slowly moving away from the sun, but they conclude it would get real icy
The moon also doesn’t emit it’s own light. It would take longer for the moon to “disappear” than it would for the sun but it wouldn’t be the whole night.
The moon is just a few light-seconds away from earth; that’s why they could have conversations with ground control during the moon landings. Moon will go dark a few seconds after the sun.
I agree with you, but also… I’m not sure that I’d notice that I could see the moon a few minutes ago and now I can’t (unless I happened to be looking at it as it happened)… I feel like that is something that could be happening every single night and I’ve never noticed.
The sun disappearing is like… Super noticeable by comparison.
You would notice the lack of light. The night isn’t pitch black xD
Maybe if I lived in the countryside, here in a city, I only really notice the moon if I’m looking for it (which I do often, I love seeing our moon).
I live in the city and the moonlight is clearly noticeable so I guess it depends. I mean, a city can be considered as such with as little as 50k people so I guess that, statistically, the majority of people that live in a city would most certainly notice the lack of moonlight.
Wherever you live on the Earth’s surface starts cooling every night and gets warmed up again the next day. It wouldn’t cool any faster if the sun went away, it would just keep cooling at the normal rate until everything was frozen. But I doubt it would take more than a week or two, depending on where you live.
Yeah, but that’s with petawatts being blasted on the other side of the earth every second, wouldn’t the loss of that make the whole system cool down faster, including the side the sun doesn’t touch? I’m thinking it’d be like having food on a hot plate, bottom is very hot, the top is less hot. But if you take the food off the plate the whole thing rapidly goes to room temp. I honestly have no idea, just conjecture tbh.
The only way to get the right answer would involve doing math and knowing enough climatology and geology to even know which math, so I dunno.
Someone posted a link above, claims it’d take about a week to hit 0°C
Cool, I will take a look. Intuitively that seems about right to me. I was just saying the world definitely wouldn’t freeze overnight.
Well when temps are already ~ -1°C in your area you tend to freeze a bit quicker
In a sane world this would earn you a dunce hat. In this one it will earn you a position in the gubmint.
The telephone: “Am I a joke to you?”
For further reading, see Galaxias by Stephen Baxter.
If it happens at night it will probably take 5 or 6 seconds longer for people to start seeing the first messages on the internet
The real question is if the earth becomes a rogue planet or if Jupiter captures most/all of the remaining solar system. Jupiter is technically a failed star, so could it finally get it’s glowup from being the sun’s understudy and keep us all together until we fall into the gravitational well of a new star?
If the sun just disappears, I doubt even having another sun would keep everything from flying off to fuck knows where. Jupiter, by comparison, is beyond hope. The Barycenter is far from Jupiter.
Only two ways to find out. Time to fire up universe sandbox, cause I’m fresh out of the ability to delete the sun in the production environment.