Doing PDF handling with jQuery? Yeah, it do be like that sometimes.
Me debugging SQL syntax errors in complied dbt models.
I really enjoyed working with SQLDelight when I was briefly writing a Kotlin backend, sadly it wasn’t complete enough. (It “generates typesafe Kotlin APIs from your SQL statements.”)
You need to do binary search. Comment out all lines in the IDE, save, push to master, and then close the laptop
Jokes on you, master is locked and can not be pushed to in repos i manage at work
Fine, then push to dev and make a PR, urging your line manager to merge it quickly without review since it’s a small hotfix
Had errors like this once. Wracked our brains for hours. Eventually realized we had an old version of the code running on some hosts and the new version running alongside it on others. The code had changed enough that the line numbers didn’t make sense anymore.