• Hot Saucerman
    28 months ago

    Socialists don’t hate markets, they hate workers not having any power or democratic choice in how they interact in the market.

    Workers owning the means of production just means the workers are doing the same work but they are in ownership of the factory and the profits. They will still sell the products they produce in a marketplace.

  • Awoo [she/her]
    8 months ago

    You literally left Reddit because of what capitalism did to it.

    • @Kidplayer_666@lemm.eeOP
      08 months ago

      I left Reddit because of short term decisions to squeeze money out of consumers to look good in an IPO, instead of having an actual long term thought.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        8 months ago

        You left reddit because of capitalism. What is an IPO? It is the launch of a business onto the public capital markets to release equity and to enrich its existing owners. What do all businesses on the markets operate on? Short term growth for the next financial quarter optimised to enrich their investors (shareholders) in the shortest amount of time possible.

        Capitalism consistently destroys everything you enjoy and yet you defend it relentlessly while asking for long term thinking, which is not a feature of capitalism. When you wake up to this reality you might actually start to question “maybe the socialists are right about a few things” and spend some time with us learning what we actually believe.

        • @Kidplayer_666@lemm.eeOP
          08 months ago

          But you know what happened after Reddit turned to crap? Because no one actually has to use Reddit, because Reddit is just a bunch of bored nerds and Reddit is just a bunch of forums, eventually someone realised: “wait a minute, I can code this in a few weeks and make it way less crappy than most social media. And maybe if I make it all open, a whole ecosystem of social networks can grow together”. And when Reddit turned to crap, “the invisible hand” acted and people slowly started to migrate over to lemmy and other social media and now reddit is just a bunch of bots

          • Awoo [she/her]
            8 months ago

            A few weeks?

            Mate please check my profile. I have been here for 3 fucking years. Lemmy did not magically appear in a few weeks that is incredibly offensive to the sheer amount of work my comrades have put in to make it.

            And calling their work “the invisible hand of the market” is also nonsensical. Because the forces driving its creation, and the rest of us communists that support it, are the destruction of the markets. There is not one single jot of profit motive involved in Lemmy. You seem to recognise some of the problems of capitalism but consistently come to incorrect conclusions about everything because you have spent no time whatsoever getting a real political education and understanding the forces at work.

            And you fail to ask yourself what happens to your “market forces” alternative to reddit. In any scenario where the market is responsible for replacing reddit the market will also bring it back to exactly the same point of self-destruction through pursuit of capital. You will hurt yourself all over again.

  • @trafficnab@lemm.ee
    8 months ago

    I hadn’t experienced hexbear (literally) shitting up the place yet, has a way to block entire instances been implemented or do I gotta find a new one that isn’t federated with them?

      • @trafficnab@lemm.ee
        08 months ago

        I can tune out tankie nonsense (not accusing everyone at hexbear of being tankies, but you guys sure do hang out with a lot of them) pretty easily, it’s the 20 full pages of literal pig shit I’m talking about

          • @trafficnab@lemm.ee
            8 months ago

            My personal definition would be “authoritarian communist (or “”“communist””“) regime supporters/apologists”. I think a good litmus test is, if the topic of the Tiananmen Square massacre comes up, and their first input is “Ok, but, how many zeroes did the number of dead civilians really have”, they’re probably too far gone to bother engaging much with

            Too many anarchist/commune types consider the authoritarians to be their allies because they also hate the capitalists, right up until the point they’re next on the list of undesirables destined for the wall

            • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
              08 months ago

              My personal definition would be “authoritarian communist (or “”“communist””“) regime supporters/apologists”.

              What does this actually mean? Is Nelson Mandela a “tankie” to you? You might think I’m being facetious, but I’m serious. I’ll link some photographs and quotes from Mandela that a lot of the capitalists in charge want you to forget:

              “I read works by and about Che Guevara, Mao Tse-tung, Fidel Castro. In Edgar Snow’s brilliant Red Star Over China I saw that it was Mao’s determination and non-traditional thinking that had led him to victory.”

              “The revolution in China was a masterpiece, a real masterpiece. If you read how they fought that revolution, you believe in the impossible. It’s just miraculous.”

              “From its earliest days, the Cuban Revolution has also been a source of inspiration to all freedom-loving people. We admire the sacrifices of the Cuban people in maintaining their independence and sovereignty in the face of the vicious imperialist-orchestrated campaign to destroy the impressive gain made in the Cuban Revolution.”

              “Within that international support for our struggle the Soviet Union and other socialist countries stood out. The governments and peoples of the socialist bloc gave material, moral and political support to our struggle in a manner and on a scale that we will never be able to repay.”

              So again, does this make Nelson Mandela a “tankie”? If so, what does it say about "tankies " and the west, in that the so called “tankies” supported Mandela in the fight against apartheid, while the west did not. In fact, the west often supported apartheid. Even Antony Blinken admitted to that recently.

              “The Soviet Union was supportive of the freedom forces in South Africa, and of course unfortunately, more than unfortunately, the United States was much too sympathetic to the apartheid regime, so that history also doesn’t get erased, you know, overnight, it’s a process,” Blinken said.

  • beef_curds [she/her]
    08 months ago

    You’ll be happy to know there’s a social media site just like lemmy run by capitalists. It has all the benefits that capitalist ownership provides.

  • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
    08 months ago

    Do conservatives on lemmy ever do anything but whine that they’re not immediately worshiped for their opinions?

    • Hot Saucerman
      08 months ago

      Conservatives seem to do that everywhere, no matter where they are. Just look at the website formerly known as Twitter… All it has is right wing shitheels and they’ve turned on each other for not worshipping each others opinions. Hell Musk just blocked Catturd2.