I forget where I heard this but someone mentioned that a 4-dimensional being could mirror you. Doesn’t sound so bad until you realize your amino acids & stuff would all be the opposite chirality, which means you could no longer process food.
This, the mirroring part, also happens in an Arthur C. Clarke short story: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_Error
Mass Effect has a similar idea. There are species that eat levo foods and ones that eat dextro foods.
There’s a great YA book about this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boy_Who_Reversed_Himself?wprov=sfla1
This is a comic adaptation of the 1884 (that’s not a typo) Flatland, but in the book, instead of rotating, they explain the concept of the next higher dimension. Similar result. Good book, nails the social satire of sexism (remains relevant today).
Eh, there’s probably worse ways to go insane.
…isn’t the 4th dimension just time?
Probably just taking about the 4th spacial dimension