• iAvicenna@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    No, other people will generate technologies like quantum computing, fusion energy. Big AI companies will try to own (by buying them out) as much of these as possible because the current model of AI they are using requires these techs to be able to deliver anything significantly better than what they have now. So these tech advancements will basically be owned by AI companies leaving very little room for other uses.

    For these AI companies trying to go toward general AI is risky, as you said above it is not even well defined. On the other hand scaling up their models massively is a well defined goal which however requires major compute and energy innovations like those mentioned above. If these ever happen during like the next ten years or so big tech involved in AI will jump on these and buy as much of it as possible for themselves. And the rest will be mostly bought by governments for military and security applications leaving very little for other public betterment uses.

    • Ignotum@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      What if i say big fusion companies will take over the ai market since they have the energy to train better models, seems exactly as likely.

      Remember when GPUs stopped being available because openAI bought nvidia and AMD and took all the gpus for themselves?
      No? Weird, since gpus are needed for them to be able to deliver anything significantly better than what we have now 🤔

      • iAvicenna@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        I guess the end result would be the same. But at large the economic system and human nature would be to blame which is actually what I am trying to blame here too, not AI but people in power who abuse AI and steer it towards hype and profit