• Ora
    02 years ago

    Holy fuck, obviously Russia isn’t going to try and single-handedly take on all of NATO. They’d have to back off which is why the US is sending weapons instead of deescalation, because “defense” and weapons is one of the biggest drivers of the US economy.

    • @guojing@lemmy.ml
      02 years ago

      This is so funny because Russia has the most advanced military in the world. Particularly hypersonic missiles, which the u.s. wont have for years. And working missile defense systems.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml
        02 years ago

        And no need to lie to people, create false flags, actually controlling a city in lesser time without some country that carpet bombs and still takes more time to conquer, and has insane weaponry without taking healthcare and other citizen amenities away with every annual budget.

        Damn Russia is so weak!