
  • 8 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 7th, 2024


  • Maybe I’m just nostalgic but I think a classic IPA doesn’t need a modern twist. I’m all for IPA open sourcing their beer; heck, free beer is good enough for me.

    In all seriousness though, I already saw a user recommend kanidm. I can vouch for kanidm; written in Rust, it allows offline authentication and offline caching of user info, which is really handy if you’re in a situation with poor internet connectivity. kanidm is feature already mentioned OAuth2 support, LDAP, RADIUS; etc. It even supports TOTP!! Kanidm doesn’t support SAML IIRC, But SSO can be achieved through OAuth2 with OIDC.

    From kanidm’s Github:

    Kanidm aims to have the features richness of FreeIPA, but without the resource and administration overheads. If you want a complete IDM package, but in a lighter footprint and easier to manage, then Kanidm is probably for you. In testing with 3000 users + 1500 groups, Kanidm is 3 times faster for search operations and 5 times faster for modification and addition of entries (your results may differ however, but generally Kanidm is much faster than FreeIPA).

  • I hope either ZLUDA and/or actual CUDA works on NVK in the near future.

    This is my hope as well. I do think that at least an attempt at CUDA support for NVK is planned, but if it is, it’s likely still a ways out. But who knows! They’ve been progressing so fast, it might come sooner than we think! (Assuming CUDA is even on the roadmap.)

    Better yet AMD could release something that can compete with CUDA but that seems highly I. probable.

    Unfortunately AMD’s focus doesn’t seem to be on Ray Tracing/AI or a CUDA alternative at the moment. But this would definitely be a welcomed feature.

  • What I think the ‘make it or break it’ will be for folks is if we see NVENC, DLSS, CUDA support for NVK. The only way I see people who need Nvidia specific features ditching the proprietary drivers is if Nvidia releases proprietary blobs for them. But as for me, I’m ditching the proprietary drivers as soon as NVK performs within 80% of the proprietary drivers.

    NVK FTW!!