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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • This thread is such a microcosm of today’s discourse.

    Everyone attributing malice to anyone they don’t agree with, everyone looking to dunk on people and up votes / down votes piling on in batches based on trends.

    It is possible to not immediately be on board with new terms without being a bigot. Sometimes it’s just a misunderstanding or lack of knowledge or sometimes just preference.

    I’ve said it before I will address people as they wish to be addressed. If somone has been called a straight male for all their life and they want to be called that it changes nothing for me. Calling them a bigot is counterproductive and just causes divides for no reason.

  • Man, I kind of feel for the poster.

    A while back I was tinkering with some website and installed some npm packages.

    Then I tried to delete the nodes modules folder… NOTHING worked… Safe mode, permissions change, command line deletion,… I spend like an hour googling and raging, it’s my fucking computer I put the fucking file there, let me delete it!!!

    I was ready to give up and finally stumbled on the answer on stack overflow. The npm folder that was created (I forget exactly what it was) had the ~ symbol in path name and that basically made the folder invincible.

    Luckily the poster also posted the command line to nuke the fucker and I was finally able to delete it.

    So yea, I kinda get it. Seeing that stupid you don’t have permission to delete this file pop-up is rage inducing.

  • The image doesn’t quite work because youtube needs a MASSIVE solution that works, scales, doesn’t fuck up their infrastructure and on and on and on.

    Meanwhile on the user front, all your doing essentially is just skipping parts of a video, that will always be infinitely cheaper easier to do. Challenging for sure, but the solution can be small.

    Even something as stupid as delaying your video start by 1 min, pre buffering then skipping ads. It’s brute force and barbaric but the point is that Google can’t do shit against that.

    My ultimate vision is AI that preloads videos you want and detects ads / sponsor segments and just skips them / cuts them out on your device.

  • A big part of all of this is indoctrination of children. If you didn’t introduce religion to children while they are at a vulnerable state, religion would quickly be relegated to a fringe cult.

    The percentage of people that aren’t flooded with this garbage as children that turn to religion once they are adults is miniscule and could easily be ignored.

    The problem is that religion is so powerful and ingrained that they are able to sustain bombard children at a steady pace.

  • A tiny container of “explosive” liquid like that would barely do any damage in the trashcan. Worst case it would injure a few people.

    The same explosion at 30,000 in the plane would be catastrophic.

    I get TSA is a lot of bullshit, but there is no really good solution for this except some hyper rapid liquid tester.

    Which just isn’t worth it dump it out and refill it past the gate.

  • There are no human alphas. Without each other we’re all weak ass bitches. Just look at the series “Alone”. Even the most rugged outdoorsmen absolutely get fucked hard when they are alone.

    We’re a social species. Our strength is our cooperation. Anyone who thinks he’s above the rest kicking ass all alone is just a moron.

  • If you are having trouble understanding simply replace cis white male, with any other group like gay black woman. Is it still funny and ok?

    I don’t like to discriminate against races and sexes no matter where it’s coming from. And saying “it’s just a prank, bro” doesn’t make it ok.

    There are plenty of ways to make a joke like this by actually targeting bigots.

    My simple rule is: if it’s something you are born with it’s not ok to lump people together (race, sex, sexual orientation). If it’s something you chose, like political affiliation, etc then it’s all fair game.