As somebody who has been there before, it’s 100% possible to use email for notifications and have that fully scriptable, but given how extremely stringent email providers have become over the decades and still getting tougher as we speak, i would very much recommend not depending on email for this. Ideally you’d have multiple channels in case one fails for the REALLY vital stuff, but at least you should have one that is not email. There’s many:
Whatever you do have in mind that ANY of these can fail, so if there’s anything truly critical be sure to both have a way to know if one notification system is failing, and to have a plan B to receive notifications/alerts even if one is down. Depends on how critical stuff is of course, for tests you don’t need triple redundancy or whatever, but for the service the company’s income depends on you don’t wanna have a system that stopped working and you never knew.
Half plausible, but honestly I’m more inclined to lean into Occam’s Razor and believe there’s no conspiracy and the CEO just got AI mind worms, which is an epidemic right now
I am worried about the direction of Mozilla, it VERY FUCKING MUCH needs to invest on the browser instead of wasting time on “AI”
The thing is that this is NOT what the marketers are selling, they’re not selling this as “Buy access to our service so that your products will be higher quality”, they’re selling this as “this will replace many of your employees”. Which it can’t, it’s very clear by now that it just can’t.
Do you mean Babbel? Hadn’t heard of it, will keep it in mind