I’ve said multiple times I’m not interested and you continue to bombard me with theory. I’m not reading it and I don’t care. Go mansplain leftism to someone else.
Marxists ain’t gonna do shit in the US.
I’ve said multiple times I’m not interested and you continue to bombard me with theory. I’m not reading it and I don’t care. Go mansplain leftism to someone else.
Marxists ain’t gonna do shit in the US.
I think of Maos Cultural Revolution, or all the Korean civilians caught up in the Korean War murdered for being seen as “collaborators”
I’m not a fan of centralized state power, period. Any time there’s a lot of concentrated power there’s abuse of that power.
Your argument is “anarchism has yet to really happen therefore it can’t”. My argument is “authoritarian communism has been tried and failed and a whole lot of people suffered in the process”.
I don’t even want to argue, I find leftists who post long books of theory like what you just did to be completely insufferable. It’s so off putting to the general public.
Meanwhile, we have the Kurds practicing anarchism, we’ve got some anarcho syndicalism going on with the mondragon corp, they’re small examples but they’re good examples not full of controversy.
Anarchists have yet to murder millions, unlike communists who seem to need a state to become stateless
I don’t really wish to debate this. Marxism so far has involved centralized power. Centralized power is easy to manipulate and corrupt. Anarchism at its core is decentralized power. Not impossible to manipulate and corrupt but more difficult.
Most people want to be left alone with the fruits of their labor. Anarchism is more likely to accomplish this.
Marxism already proved itself corruptable.
Anarchist. I lean somewhere between anarcho communist and libertarian socialist. In the most basic sense, I’m suspicious of power because I believe power corrupts and no system of economics or government is immune to this.
Yeah, meanwhile the only actual tankies are the ones who cheerlead the USSR and PRC.
As an anti authoritarian, while I can see some redeeming qualities in those countries, overall I’m not a fan. Though I do love me some propaganda art from the time.
Oh yeah I forgot, also selling oil in any currency besides USD. That will get you some freedom! 🦅🦅🦅
Disagree, it’s if we find out about oil we need to liberate it
Don’t forget being called a tankie for daring to rightfully criticize the democrats for being the frauds they are.
I’m not saying I support it, I’m saying that’s what’s going to happen. We’ve had numerous options for off ramps from this hot mess but the democrats block any kind of left wing legislation and improvement of people’s lives. They’re frauds who protect their class interests above all else. They’re not gonna do shit about fascism.
The root of the problem is capitalism and imperialism, and the only way out at this point is a general wildcat strike and then violence. This country will never unify under labor power so violence it is.
The only reason I have respect for it is because for once democrats aren’t the party of piety and taking the high road. It’s actually a bit refreshing seeing them muck around in the mud.
You’re totally right though. A whole lot of people should be getting pardoned for the drug war biden himself was responsible for condoning as a senator for decades. But then how would the prisons and those who contract with them for slave labor profit? Will anyone think of the poor investors?
Thanks. I respect what biden did for his son because the republicans would do (have done?) the same shit.
What I don’t respect is the endless wars of imperialism, the genocide, the handing over power peacefully to overt fascists, and biden not doing a single fucking thing while he’s a lame duck to protect us from the incoming government.
Who gives a fuck about what the republicans or democrats say anymore? They’re all corrupt rich people who are full of shit and don’t give a fuck about you and never did.
Oh no! The two pro capitalist pro imperialist parties are trading barbs about dumb shit!
You know as soon as us millennials hit 55 they’ll make those communities 70+
Y’all are the dorks writing novels instead of touching grass and organizing people in person.