Nice anaolgy!
Nice anaolgy!
I’ve heard of oh-my-zsh, but I haven’t wanted to deviate off of bash until I have a good grasp on bash first.
That’s what I’m finding. I’m not certain I need regex for what I want to accomplish with find. I’m reorganizing my media libraries, and I have a mix of mp4 and mkv files. I want to be able to find all mkv and mp4 files and move them using regex like '.+\.(mp4|mkv)'
I have learned how to use find with -exec
and -delete
, but I haven’t gotten to -print0
or xargs
I wouldn’t recommend it. He’s pretty gross.
Mine was the only legit Apple clone.
A Laser 128, a legit clone of the iic.
I was in late middle school/early high school (can’t remember exactly when we got it). My family had a dj business, and in addition to learning BASIC, I put the entire DJ music catalog into an AppleWorks database, played a TON of zork and Bard’s Tale, and attempted to write my own text adventure game in BASIC that was loosely based on Piers Anthony’s world of Xanth. (I read a ton of Piers Anthony as a kid. In hindsight, ick.)
I haven’t. I’m aware of the *arrr stuff, but as I mentioned in the post, I’m writing these scripts to learn. I have no illusions that what I’m doing is better than *arrr or filebot or whatever else might be out there, I just like working on projects as a way to learn.