• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • CZ and dd and other “it’s 1998” tools copy the entire disk. like, you clone a 500 GB SSD with 50 GB used to another disk, guess how much data gets copied? correctomundo, the entire 500 gigs. that’s not super-healthy for the new drive and it recreates the same volume UUIDs on the target disk as the source drive, so you’re left with a mess if you keep both drives in a system.

    you have a modern tool at your disposal, the mentioned btrfs send subvol | btrfs receive subvol that copies only what’s used. GRUB (you can use this opportunity to switch to systemd-boot) won’t pick up shit, you need to install it to the new drive (and remove it from the old one).

    eons ago, macOS had the SuperDuper! tool, a free utility that clones the entire disk, resizing the partition in the process and copies only the data and it does that from within the OS, no booting off USB installers and such. sad to say, nothing close exists over here, you’ll just have to get good at doing things manually.

  • Vista. Tried to make Ubuntu work for a while but that was a shit show back then… Moved over to OS X and I was home - a beautiful UNIX where everything just worked. Stayed there for close to a decade (Lion-Mavericks-El Capitan-High Sierra-Mojave), mostly on non-Apple hardware.

    Sadly, the iOS-ization ramped up so I had to rip tons of iCloud related stuff everytime I did a fresh install and then Catalina killed off 32-bit apps and brought other irritants, so I tried Fedora 35 and escaped with close to no issues.

    And here I am, on Fedora 40 five years later.

  • Aside from the god-awful installer (which they’re replacing), and the ball ache of installing media codecs, it’s an amazing distro.

    yeah, so I got AMD graphics and it was news to me that from now till the end of days, you’re supposed to run dnf up thusly:

    sudo dnf up -x mesa-va-drivers

    that suffix prevents fedora’s shitty mesa from interfering with your cool mesa from rpmfusion, even though you swapped shitty-mesa with cool-mesa, as instructed. apparently, they started forcing this shit recently, can’t remember ever having to do this, from F35 on up to F39.

    this feels like a new take on wrestling Ubuntu and its snap monstrosity, you ripped shit out and thought you were fine. not so, we want shit done to your computer, even though you’re like against it but you don’t really mean it, right? man, gtfo with that bullshit, go break a Gnome extension or something and leave this shit be!

    that’s mentioned NOWHERE - not in the rpmfusion howto’s, not in askfedora/fedora magazine (but there are swaths of jerkoffs going “well that’s a risk when using 3rd party shit”), nor any step-by-step articles I looked at, I accidentally found it buried in a 3rd level comment of some rando reddit discussion.

    edit: the installer sucks big fat elephant dick.

  • did the upgrade! aside from a little scare* everything worked out beautifully! it sleeps and wakes without issues and the XMP1-3600 profile works. ran a bit of geekbench6, that used to crash on the old CPU - no such thing here; watching the clock speeds reach 4.4 GHz was surreal.

    a bunch of new options in the setup, PBO, overclock, etc. I’ll leave them be for now.

    also, just checked, I don’t have the amd-pstate driver active, I’m still on acpi-cpufreq. I’ll tackle that one of these days if everything works fine.

      • on first power on, there was only the “American Megatrends” logo and no other text, it just stood there. after a quick ddg, found the solution in a reddit thread, you’re supposed to press “Y” there and then commences a series of reboots (5-6 or so, didn’t count). after that’s done with, you’re greeted with your normal POST screen. enter the setup, load “Optimized Defaults”, activate XMP1, turn off extraneous devices (serial, SATA ports).

  • what they said. surfaces are serviceable to a degree (battery and SSD, screen replacement) even though they’re glued shut, but in the sense “this is a fun project to do at a leisurely pace”, not “I got shit to do with it tomorrow, clock is ticking”.

    Dells are way more serviceable, they got screws and easily accessible components instead of cement glue from hell. if you’re going that way, make sure the camera sensors are supported, ipu3/6 camera support is spotty.

  • there are no good linux tablets, for any price; by “good” I mean it works as good as an Android or iOS tablet. everything is from not-as-good to way worse and there are things that are downright unusable.

    whichever platform you choose (Gnome, Plasma or any of the derivatives like Phosh, Plasma Mobile, etc.) the experience beyond the first 15 minutes (hey, this actually works!) is pretty bad. it’s certainly not usable as a main device that you depend on and use for actual work; as a dicking-around kinda project, sure, have at it.

    before you spend that kind of money, my recommendation is to get an older Surface Pro or Dell Latitude 2-in-1 in the $150-200 range and see if that functionality is something you can live with. those can be had with up to 16 GB on-board and the SSDs are replaceable (Dells are more serviceable). kernel support is spotty, not all of the features work for all devices, mainly cameras and such; consult the linux-surface github.

    edit: just saw this comment, my experiences are similar. the rest of the comments where people think what a device might work like you should disregard.

  • I get what he’s doing. from his perspective, it’s like as long as the public (three dudes with a shitter account) is pearl-clutching over something I’ve said as a hyperbole, I’ll keep banging this drum and upping the volume and I’ll keep doing it in every special. problem one is, he’s grown tone-deaf and can’t connect to normal people no more.

    problemo dos is, his standup is shit and has been for years. from the fucking faked raspy voice then the cigarette on stage because he totally can’t make it without one, like dude you’re so rebel! to the the faked “OMG I collapsed laughing at my own shit” and then audibly banging the mic so it accentuates the non-existing punch line every couple minutes, it’s super annoying.

    like CK jokes about equally deranged topics, but the craft is there and it’s flawless. every movement, every breath, every stutter is in the service of delivery… billy removed-tits as well, can’t agree with much of the stuff he’s on about, since he portrays a super exaggerated persona, but the craft is flawless.

    this dude better get off his lazy ass and start practicing in front of live audiences and start embracing the sucking and bombing if he ever wants to be considered great. only then can we start dissecting the “jokes”.

  • thanks everyone for the input.

    ran it off my ventoy stick that also has all my linux ISOs, really didn’t feel like creating an USB installer. install went OK, managed to get the local user going, no extraneous apps installed and killed off what I perceived to be unneeded junk. got the 3rd party apps sorted, everything looks fine.

    on a side note - holy cow what a bloated and inefficient mess this is. and with the fucking updates, a neverending torrent of updates and drivers for this and that, it took like 4 hours from start to finish with like a million restarts inbetween… I can’t imagine having to use this thing daily.

    the new owner is in my thoughts and prayers, hopefully it’s another five years before I have to regedit this and that. thanks everyone all around!