Down here it’s a pretty common hobby. I just got a new .308 last year for this explicit purpose.
Down here it’s a pretty common hobby. I just got a new .308 last year for this explicit purpose.
I had heard PC was having some issues with that, but to be honest, that’s nearly every release these days. But I can understand why it might be frustrating.
It’s not for no reason. It’s because they have stuff we want. Whether that’s resources, land, strategic locations, etc., that’s the reason. Furthermore, we have the means to acquire those things we want. On the great stage, that’s often justification enough.
It sucks that micro transactions exist at all, but I’ve been playing the game and haven’t even opened the store at all, and the game seems pretty good. Is there any actual negativity on the actual game play, or is all the negativity sorry about the micro transactions? Because if that’s the only drawback, then that’s not really that bad.
Are the better mods in the room with us now?