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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • LOL, like Congress isn’t complicit. The Republicans are fully behind Israel starting WW3 to bring Jesus back, and Democrats are split, but will never impeach Biden over it.

    I have no idea what to do about Biden, but an impeachment over this is a fantasy. The 2020 primary was our shot, and we blew it. The Biden presidency will be what it will be, but we can’t let Democratic voters forget their failure. Neoliberalism will end, or it will end us. It might already have done so, but time will tell.

  • For all the carnage that’s happened and all the carnage that’s about to happen, we need to (rhetorically) beat the neoliberals over the head for the 2020 primary. I don’t know if Bernie could have stopped any of this, but at least our hands would be clean. Fuck the notion that neoliberals are somehow “good enough”. They throw us a bone from time to time, but ultimately the only thing they are capable of generating in the long term is absolute disaster.

  • It doesn’t have to be sexier terminology, or even different terminology. Just don’t drop the word “liberalism” into a conversation and expect the average person to understand what your talking about.

    You could use “corporatism” which has kind of taken over that definition in common language. I know it’s technically incorrect, but language also isn’t static outside of academic disciplines. But ultimately you can use whatever language you want, just don’t assume a particular definition will be understood without explanation.

  • I literally didn’t.

    You are literally correct. I got my threads mixed and I apologize. Still, claiming that…

    every implementation of a communist state (or even a vaguely leftish state) is ruthlessly hunted down and destroyed by capitalist powers

    … comes pretty darn close. Did America hunt down and destroy Communism in China, or is it still Communist?

    Communism survives and China is eclipsing the US. And no, they’re not capitalist.

    Well, no they aren’t. Since this discussion started with me saying that neither communism or capitalism can exist outside of ideological exorcises, you shouldn’t feel the need to tell me that.

    The Party is in control, politics is in command, they are advancing so incredibly quickly because they don’t allow the market to run society or capital owners to be dictators.

    Xi Jinping’s estimated net worth is $1.2b. Is that not capital? For comparison, Joe Biden’s net worth is $10m, though some estimates go up to $40m. Which country is run by capital owners again? If you think that Xi Jinping only makes capital allocation decisions in the interests of the average Chinese citizen, then I have a great wall to sell you.

    By any means necessary.

    And here I was actually taking you seriously.

  • I didn’t say that we actually are post scarcity, only that we could be if that were society’s priority. Take away all the useless work, and that doesn’t leave a whole lot to require coercion. Most of our food production is already pretty much automated, and most of the rest would be if coercion was taken off the table.

    I don’t share your optimism on fusion, but that’s not very relevant since there are other technologies that I see as long term solutions. We also waste tons of energy, for instance Bitcoin alone is estimated to account for 2% of US electricity use.

    I don’t think it says much for communism as an economic system if all the economic problems have to be resolved before it becomes possible.

  • So, no communist country is going to exist until all capitalist countries go away or are somehow prevented from interference? When do you see that happening?

    A system that can’t manage to sustain and defend it’s own existence is simply not realistic, no matter how idealistic.

    You first claimed that Communism never actually existed, now you are saying that they were crushed by capitalism. Which is it? Communism died in those countries as the countries were formed.

    You are giving capitalist countries way too much credit, but that’s a whole other web of individual discussions. Communism defeated itself, and what remained couldn’t compete with (what passes for) free markets in Western democracies.