I’m lazy and really don’t need anything more than direct web hosting, no encryption (beyond https), no auth, not even a web app.
An nginx instance uses try_files on a folder either returning the file you asked for or a 404 page.
Drop file in folder, Domain.tld/folder/file.ext returns file. Adding ‘/download/’ to the start of the path adds the Content-Disposition ‘attachment’ header so it downloads instead of displaying (images/video/html/etc)
Not used for anything sensitive ofc, but handy for simple file sharing to friends/family. (or just stupid backgrounds for the warehouse computer 🤷)
I’m lazy and really don’t need anything more than direct web hosting, no encryption (beyond https), no auth, not even a web app.
An nginx instance uses try_files on a folder either returning the file you asked for or a 404 page.
Drop file in folder, Domain.tld/folder/file.ext returns file. Adding ‘/download/’ to the start of the path adds the Content-Disposition ‘attachment’ header so it downloads instead of displaying (images/video/html/etc)
Not used for anything sensitive ofc, but handy for simple file sharing to friends/family. (or just stupid backgrounds for the warehouse computer 🤷)