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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023

  • Maybe this will stop Congress from abdicating their duty to the Executive Banch and start passing updates to laws. The way we had it was that every change of president allowed more cronyism to change the rules.

    Doesn’t anyone remember that Trump gutted the EPA and made them change how they worked scientifically? How the DOE decided that Coal and Gas production was the future during Trump? Did everyone forget that Trump allowed the Department of the Interior to sell gas lease for the Arctic Wildlife Preserve.

    All those changes used a Chevron defense.

  • You can redact a lot without losing the focus of what is found in a report of this magnitude. It happens a lot in many businesses that had investigations.

    If they don’t have the skill to write that, then why are they a media company to begin with?

    Why is the statement written personally instead of as a standard press release?

    This note sounds more to the point that Linus didn’t know anything of what happened, so nothing was wrong. Lastly, they said that they would have a report for us after the investigation was done. Without putting the report out, they can’t hope to put this all behind them. There will always be a shadow order them still. Also, saying that they don’t have to publish a report because they are a private company will only let more people think they are hiding something.

    The investigation was to show they weren’t hiding anything, and without a report showing the allegations were false they haven’t done anything.

  • That’s my take as well. The statement reads like they fixed any issues that came up, so we’re innocent. Plus they were pretty antagonistic with that statement, so it seems like they still have no clue on how to write press releases.

    I would like to see an actual report of the findings, not another “Trust me Bro” statement. I want to hear what the law firm says regarding the recordings that were leaked.

    This statement isn’t what they said they would do when it all came out.