Only pedophiles defend pedophiles.
And I fucking HATE pedophiles.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • The most-often recommended file-systems for SSDs are Btrfs and F2FS, both of which support and enable TRIM by default (as of Linux 6.2 for Btrfs, so if you are running an older kernel version you might need to manually enable it).

    This is great to know on multiple levels because in Windows it is triggered from the OS, I think as a weekly task, and NTFS has little to do with it as far as I know.

    It’s also good to know that support is pretty standard now, as a lot of what I found online was just old and the rest assumed I’d already be familiar with it. Bad assumption, lol.

    I don’t know enough to have a preference one way or another for a specific file system, so I can just start with Btrfs and go forward with that. I can also read up on Btrfs further on its own, which I now know to do.

    Safest bet would be to investigate once you settle on a distro

    Absolutely. But this gets me started, and pointed in the right direction. Many thanks.

  • Thanks for taking the time to explain the differences a bit, it’s very much appreciated. I’d heard about the Snapstore thing and also Red Hat’s decision regarding RHEL; while I don’t understand it all yet I do think closed-source defeats the whole purpose of Linux (and why I’m getting off Windows) so yeah, I’m with you on that.

    So far, with Mint I haven’t had any problems running Cinnamon at all (decided to try the heaviest DE first) but I will probably still end up trying Kfce as the DE on Debian, for example. It was actually shocking how well Mint runs on 4GB of RAM, lol.

    But I have plenty of time and plenty of USB sticks, and I will try all the feasible distros mentioned, taking notes along the way. Thank you again for the suggestions!

  • I definitely know the feeling, lol. For me there was a surprising amount of emotion involved with the whole thing, knowing I was definitely leaving (because in every intangible way I was already gone) and then doing the practical stuff to make it happen. Definitely not a straight-line progression out for me: I deleted some things, then others, hemmed and hawwed a lot along the way. You put a lot of effort into your art; it shows. I put a lot of myself into my posts. It’s harder than it looks to take that decisive action and wipe them all, and then it was an unintentionally long goodbye, none of it well planned on my part. But worth the effort. Feels really good to be out.