That’s what I’m searching for… a workaround ! I can’t see my fans in fancontrol
That’s what I’m searching for… a workaround ! I can’t see my fans in fancontrol
I do a lot of biking and for me Organic Maps has proven to be worthy of the navigation.
Heed the backup data warning.
But if you just want to test mint to see how it feels, you can boot from a USB and install mint on a second usb. That way you are less prone to lose any data should something happen.
Make sure that the second USB is somewhat recent and has minimum 32 Gb for an optimal experience.
The problem seems to come from Windows. However, what you can do is open a terminal then type :
sudo os-prober
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Try to reboot and see what happens. If it doesn’t fix anything, then it might be that your Windows SSD should be mounted directly on the motherboard or, at the very least, on a USB-C port.
Sometimes, what happens is that the hub needs a driver which isn’t loaded by the DOS kernel by default. And since it isn’t loaded, Windows can’t recognise the hub so the hard drive containing itself can’t be found.
If that solution works, maybe you should swap your windows and your linux SSDs, see if the linux kernel can figure out the hub at boot.
This error (hd0) is typical of legacy (BIOS) booting end happens solely because of the MBR. GRUB2 is hit or miss with MBR.
If you’re not planning on dual booting with Windows XP/Vista/7, I’d recommend going to your motherboard settings and changing the boot mode to UEFI.
Then reinstall Debian. That will automatically sort things out :)
Paris, it’s the WORST city in all of France.
If you dd a 1TB hard drive, it will create a 1TB image. You’d need to have a >1TB drive to store it. If you dd each partition separately, this won’t be the case.
Plus it will be easier to discriminate between different FS and mount them accordingly.
Should work. You’d be better off dd’ing each partition separately.
Ya boys don’t want that kv^x
You can always buy a raspi and put PiHole on it to get rid of ads network wide. (And with PiVPN you can ensure that on your mobile and laptops)
I oppose the occupation of gaza by Israel !
But fr, anything position that gives one power and a feeling of superiority : magistrate, judge, police officer, military, …