i agree because what I usually mean when i talk of science is scientific work even if this work doesn’t result in proving that an hypothesis is right so that it becomes a scientific theory.
For me the main criteria is to follow the scientific method.
The rules and conventions to do science today are quite well known and understood by educated people (including of course Helen Mosque) … but any rules have exceptions :
Project Manhattan to produce the atomic bomb was secret science : in many countries military will have secret science development. Pharmaceutical companies will do as well.
People in those projects will not have recognition by the wider public but they will have recognition from their group.
typo in title : ine instead of mine
Wikipedia, about once a year, has those donation pledge boxes at the top of every article …they must be somewhat effective since they come back year after year …better keep them small though to avoid disheartening users. Maybe start small like this trending community line at the top of the user feed.
P.S. : Since we don’t want the user to get habituated it’s better if it’s just a few days once a year.
Average body length in males is 130 to 260 mm, while females average 114 to 204 mm.
Males weigh 36 to 250 g, while females weigh 29 to 117 g.