Afaik, it has no accidents, and the family is selling it because their kid is moving countries. Has only about 23k miles on it.

My overall net worth is $30k. I’ve saved all I can from jobs, don’t pay rent right now (will be paying rent in about 5 months) and don’t have any debt. I could take out a loan to help pay it off but I’m considering just biting the bullet and paying cash, how stupid is this move?

I make about 20/h and work fulltime, and since I’m with my parents I don’t really need to spend a ton on food or anything. My total monthly spending ranges between 300-600 (300 is pure necessity average, no going out or impulse purchases)

I can probably sell my current car (2010 Ford Focus) for about $2.4k. I’ve never bought a car so this would be the first ever big purchase. It’s a good car but I feel like it may be out of my range realistically.

    5 months ago

    Seems like a nice deal for that vehicle. I have an older model. What kind of condition is your Ford focus in? Would it be able to last you for several more years? Also consider what difference you might be paying in insurance premiums. You would want to have collision insurance on a newer vehicle and that could raise your cost considerably.