I thought I’ll make this thread for all of you out there who have questions but are afraid to ask them. This is your chance!

I’ll try my best to answer any questions here, but I hope others in the community will contribute too!

  • jaybone@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Question about moving from Ubuntu to Debian - Package updates and security updates…

    On Ubuntu, I seem to get notifications almost every week about new package updates. (Through the apt UI)

    On Debian, I don’t see this.

    I can run apt update and apt upgrade

    On Ubuntu, I see this pull a bunch of package data from various package repo URLs.

    On Debian, I only see this pulling package data from two or three repo URLs at debian.org

    Mainly I am concerned about security updates and bug fixes. Do I need to manually add other repo sources to the apt config files? Or does debian update those repos regularly?