Enhanced Performance: DNF5 promises faster repository metadata processing and improved package query operations, aiming to save users precious seconds during package management tasks.

Reduced System Footprint: By eliminating Python dependencies and merging the functionalities of DNF and MicroDNF, DNF5 offers a significantly smaller installation size, reducing metadata redundancy.

Unified Experience: Fedora aims to provide a consistent package management experience across all platforms, with DNF5 serving as the sole package manager for servers, workstations, and containers.

  • TCB13@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Reduced System Footprint: By eliminating Python dependencies and merging the functionalities

    Yes, I don’t get why people still insist on coding production grade stuff with a language that is effectively only suitable for educational purposes - maybe not even that because you would be brain damaging a generation of future developers.

    Python is the modern equivalent of BASIC: