Geneva – The Israeli army’s execution of an elderly Palestinian after using him in a propaganda campaign promoting its “safe corridor” in Gaza was strongly condemned in a statement released by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor today.

The rights organisation expressed outrage over Israel’s incorporating the man into its attempt to cover up horrific crimes against displaced Palestinians fleeing Israeli violence in the northern Gaza Strip.

Israel’s army released a photo of one of its soldiers talking to Bashir Hajji, a 79-year-old resident of Gaza City’s Zaytoun neighborhood, as he travelled on Salah al-Din Road, the main route to the southern Gaza Valley. The soldier in the photo appears to be helping and protecting displaced Palestinian civilians, said Euro-Med Monitor, yet Hajji was subjected to a field execution on the morning of Friday 10 November.

The elderly man’s granddaughter, Hala Hajji, told the Euro-Med Monitor team that her grandfather was brutally executed while crossing the “safe corridor” when members of the Israeli army intentionally shot him in the head and back. She also confirmed that he is in the photo that was put out by Israel—exposing the Israeli army’s dangerous practice of flagrantly fabricating stories.

Euro-Med Monitor stated that it has previously documented dozens of cases where the Israeli army executed displaced Palestinians by live bullets and, in some cases, by artillery shells. Those displaced were attempting to flee to the south of Wadi Gaza at the Israeli army’s request.

Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor renewed its calls for the United Nations and the International Criminal Court to open an urgent independent investigation into the execution crimes to which displaced Palestinians have been and are still being subjected to, to hold those who ordered such crimes accountable, and to achieve justice for the victims.


        06 months ago

        I did not know Israel and IDF selectively killed Palestinian military, instead of genociding Palestinians, invading and colonising land, bombing hospitals and children and making countries open air concentration camps for a century.

    • !deleted120991
      06 months ago

      Your answer to bloodshed… is more of it?

      This is a stupid solution that will only unfold into bigger, longer lasting issues.

        06 months ago

        The bloodshed of Israeli military terrorists is necessary to end up with an existing Palestine country and Palestinian people. Zionists are fascists and fascists deserve to be killed without mercy. Fascists are not humans.

        • Cethin
          06 months ago

          Just so you’re aware, which it sounds like you aren’t, serving in the IDF is mandatory for all Israeli citizens. Since you seem to not even know this, I don’t think you should be taken seriously on any suggestions at all.

            06 months ago

            That just means Israeli citizens are directly complicit in the genocide and erasure of the State of Palestine, and deserve to die for being colonisers. Israeli settlers should go back to where they were exported from - Europe and USA. They should have not gone to Israel. Israel is not some cheap country with opportunities to migrate to, it is a genocidal apartheid parasite state.

            • Cethin
              06 months ago

              A lot of people were just born there…

              I’m as against the settlement as anyone, but at least learn the history. You people just hate things because you’re told to. There are good reasons. Genocide isn’t the answer, and no plenty of Israelis are against Zionism and the invasion who just happened to be born on a certain piece of land that shouldn’t mean anything.

                06 months ago

                You have a reading problem. Military is not the same as citizens. Israeli military are terrorists.

                Citizens came from Europe and USA, there was no Israel a century ago. Kids born out of Israeli settlers are not a problem of Palestine. The original land of Palestine had no Israeli Zionist on there.

                • Cethin
                  06 months ago

                  The Palestinian people didn’t exist at some period in the past either. Children should not be bound by the sins of their fathers. I agree it sucks, however there are options available that don’t include genocide. There is plenty of space for both groups to live, just without Zionism.

        • Annoyed_🦀
          06 months ago

          It’s one thing to protest against the genocide and ethnic cleansing, it’s another thing to advocate the extermination of another. With IDF gone, Israel is a sitting duck ripe for the picking from multiple front, lots of innocent people will get killed too. When that happen, it will be no different than what Israel is doing.

          • Krause [he/him]
            6 months ago

            With IDF gone, Israel is a sitting duck ripe for the picking from multiple front

            Yes, that’s the point. Death to Israel, free Palestine.

            06 months ago

            Which is what needs to happen to reverse what Israel has reduced Palestine to - literal dots on the whole map. Israel should not even exist to begin with, or at the bare minimum rolled back to UN partition guidelines of 1947.

          06 months ago

          This is way too far. You’re literally calling for the genocide of Israelis because an unverified claim from a website has claimed (without providing any evidence) that Israel has committed a war crime.

          If it’s true, Israeli solider should be hit with war crime charges.

          You and your attitude are why synagogues all over the world are being burnt and Jews are being attacked. You sound exactly like the ones you condemn.

            06 months ago

            You and your attitude are why synagogues all over the world are being burnt and Jews are being attacked.

            I did not know Zionism and Judaism lacked distinction. Why are the rabbis protesting about this then?

        • !deleted120991
          06 months ago

          So you’re a monster. Cool. The one thing about being a veteran is I have the benefit of seeing both sides and I can assure you that last thing I want to see is more innocent people die because two individual groups dragged civilians into the middle of their dick measuring contest.

            6 months ago

            Bet you love supporting Israel, as a veteran. Liberals like you should be the first to be thrown in crossfire for "both sides"ing what has been a one way genocide of Palestinians for the past century. A veteran calling me a monster is hilarious.

            • !deleted120991
              06 months ago

              I love how us “liberal” godless heathens are always the first to go to hell yet we preach peace and understanding. Yes I am an atheist and a liberal veteran.

              Your god is ashamed of you and your preached falsehoods. If you truly believe in him you would abandon your ways of violence and beg for forgiveness. Otherwise I’ll see you in hell. I’ll be looking forward to recounting this conversation with you in the afterlife, if there is such a place.

                6 months ago

                You liberals are the second worst criminals after the ones who commit crimes, being the enablers and cheerleaders of those crimes. “yet we preach peace and understanding” LMAO fucking gaslighter

          • Krause [he/him]
            6 months ago

            i love the internet, i can go online and watch a literal war criminal going muh both sides about apartheid and genocide in palestine

            • !deleted120991
              06 months ago

              I love the internet because assholes like you show their true homicidal qualities. I can admit what I did is wrong. Can you?

              I’m going to press x for doubt.

              • Krause [he/him]
                6 months ago

                I love the internet because assholes like you show their true homicidal qualities.

                Context for readers: the person writing this is a war criminal.

                I can admit what I did is wrong.

                Can you? I really doubt you can, if you could I don’t think you’d be flaunting what you did online to virtue signal and uncritically accepting war propaganda from the same people who sent you to serve in the first place.

        06 months ago

        Against the apartheid state of Israel and IDF terrorists, absolute full support in every possible way. Hamas is the only defense line that separates Palestine from complete extinction.

        We have already seen how the beheading babies and stuff were lies invented by Israel, so Hamas is a lot more innocent than what you Zionist supporters label them as.