Can we please have an official merge of KDE plasma and gnome?

I just installed fedora with the KDE plasma spin and kind of like it, but kind of don’t. I like that it is so much more feature rich, all the little things like easily accessible clipboard history and nice overview of everything. On the other hand I like the feel of gnome, it feels snappier. But plasma seems like a more developed os compared to gnome. But gnome feels more fluid and is just so much more pretty compared to plasma! And it’s more intuitive to me (still partial windows user though)

Am I the only one here? It would boost the Linux community so much if more projects would be merged and more people would work on it together. I totally get that not everyone has the same vision and has different ideas and wishes for software, and competition and alternatives are good. But on the other hand more people would work together on one goal :D And I think that a lot about open source projects. Due to the beautiful nature of being open, no one really leads projects or can merge and manage workforce on projects. So it feels to me like there is a certain limit, what open source reached yet and so many things feel a little unpolished because its not their goal to get many people to use it and earn a lot of money?

How do you feel about that?

It escalated a little, I’m sorry but I had those thoughts for a while now and would really appreciate some opinions on it :)

  • Lettuce eat
    8 months ago

    Several good answers here. Both Gnome and Plasma are customizable enough you should be able to have a Gnome-y Plasma or a Plasma-y Gnome already.

    Echoing what has been said already: They both are built on totally different tech stacks with very different philosophies. Gnome is more simplified, a little more “MacOS-like” Plasma is more Windows-like (by default) and is designed to be deeply customized and modular.

    You should play around with Gnome and Plasma plugins and themes, that might help make things better for your usage. Or check out other DEs like Cinnamon or Cosmic.