• Political Custard
    4 months ago

    I don’t know this project, I’m just adding links for people to see more information about the dev and the project itself because it’s likely that the OP is going to get downvoted and that might not be fair on the dev and the project:

    “DivestOS - A more private and more secure aftermarket mobile operating system”

    Dev’s Mastodon profile: https://infosec.exchange/@divested

    Project homepage: https://divestos.org/index.html#content

    Gitlab: https://gitlab.com/divested-mobile

  • @betabob@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    04 months ago

    Neither your post or the link for the fundraising even says what the project is or what it does. I assume it’s a foss browser or Operating system (maybe), but there is a lack of information upfront. I could look it up, but as of now I’m not sure why if a simple explanation could be added to either. Firefox is my go-to browser, if this could be a better fork or alternative I’d like to know that before funding any project. Also, 12k seems like a lot more than what is tallied in the costs, but good luck to the dev/project!

    • 乇ㄥ乇¢ㄒ尺ㄖ
      04 months ago

      It’s a custom Android ROM focused on security, it does what many Android custom Roms are failing to do, which is bootloader relocking on a non pixel device, it also has other neat enhancement but I’m not gonna list them all here

      They also maintain other awesome apps like : Mull ( a hardened fork of FF mobile ), Mulch ( a hardened fork of Chromium mobile ), Hypatia ( Android Antivirus )…etc

      See this post to understand what’s happening


    • MamusOP
      04 months ago

      @betabob that’s my fault. I assumed everyone knows him and I just wanted to help spread the word. He develops fennec on fdroid and mull which are both firefox forks

      • @betabob@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        04 months ago

        No worries. I try to stay informed but there are to many projects to keep up. Keep us updated on the progress if you can, but an individual dev might lack the manpower for such an endeavor. All the best thought, am always happy to see any foss projects moving forward!

  • @0xtero@beehaw.org
    04 months ago

    Look. FOSS project fundraisers are cool and everything… nothing wrong with that, but you could have given a bit more context instead of going for the “shock value” link. The project you linked to is a LineageOS fork as far as I understand - and I don’t really see how Android ROM would have any relation to Mozilla Corp CEO bonus - or even to Firefox, the community you posted this to?

    • 乇ㄥ乇¢ㄒ尺ㄖ
      4 months ago

      and I don’t really see how Android ROM would have any relation to Mozilla Corp CEO bonus - or even to Firefox

      If it counts as a relationship, they maintain a hardened fork of Firefox Mobile called Mull, and their Android ROM is neat, if Mozilla kept working on Firefox OS we wouldn’t have ended up with a duopoly today, so I guess what OP is trying to say is that Divest Computing group is doing what Mozilla should have done years ago