
I’m interested in moving my personal computer to running Linux but I’m not sure where to even begin. As background, I am a casual user and have a desktop with hardware from around 2014 running Windows. I am hoping to setup a NAS drive as a media server in the next year or so, offloading all of the files currently on the Windows desktop and have been interested in open source software such as Jellyfin. I also mostly game on an Xbox and Nintendo Switch, but have used the desktop in the past for gaming such as with an Oculus Rift Headset and some Steam games so not huge on getting games working on the computer. But, I do sometimes torrent using the computer so don’t want to lose that capability (especially with upkeep for the media server).

With all of that said, I didn’t know how to get started with choosing what Linux OS to use, setting it up, backing up my files to make sure I can use them with the new OS, etc. Making the switch seems to have great options for customization and “choosing a distro that works for you”, but I don’t know what would work for me or what will be user friendly for a beginner.

Any tips or pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

  • @lungdart@lemmy.ca
    09 months ago

    Most people just use a browser these days, and they behave the same in every OS.

    Steam has proton to run non native games on Linux, and works well enough for most things.

    Try a few live images before making the switch.

    • @WR5@lemmy.mlOP
      09 months ago

      That’s true, most of what I do would be in a browser as a casual user. My work laptop would still be running Windows and doing what I “need” (Excel, SolidWorks, etc.) Although I want to keep the ability to torrent and manage my media files nicely, I’m open to using different softwares than I’m used to for those.

  • Chewy
    9 months ago

    I started using Linux with a dual-boot and always booted back into Windows because it worked better since I set it up right and was confortable with it. Only booting Linux and taking the time to understand how to do whatever I want to do finally made me comfortable enough to wipe that partition.

    So my recommendation is don’t be discouraged if things seem hard or annoying, it will definitely get better over time.


  • There are a lot of “linux for beginners” blogs/videos/whatever. They’re a good way to get an overview and learn the first steps. Don’t get into a rabbit hole, though. Watch a couple and start trying it out.

    You can try out Linux distros in a virtual machine (VM). You’ll have to use your web-searching-skills to find a program that can run a VM as i can’t recommend one that runs on Windows.

    That program runs the operating system on top of the one you have now, so you don’t need to reinstall over and over again while you find a distribution that works for you.

    A distribution is what we call “a linux”. “Linux” is just a part of the OS, and a distribution combines it with other software to make something your computer can boot. If this is a bit confusing, don’t worry, it’s not important, you just have to remember the word “distribution” (or distro)

    I use a distro called Fedora, but between that and Ubuntu and Linux Mint you should find one that works for you. Don’t overthink it. They all do the same job in slightly different ways, so just pick one and start using it for the stuff you usually use your computer for. Ubuntu is the easiest to search for help for, and Linux Mint is based on Ubuntu, so 99.9% of solutions will be the same for Mint. Distros not based on Ubuntu works with the same instructions 90% of the time, but that might be too annoying when you are justvgetting your feet wet.

    Note that a lot of distros have multiple “editions”, “spins” or whatever they decided to call it. They mostly differ in the way your “desktop” is presented. Just look at some Youtube videos and some screenshot and try them out.

    Now go use your computer with Linux. A lot of the initial friction is from having to learn stuff over again. Search the web for solutions and if you don’t find them ask for help.

    Your distrobution’s forums are usually a good place to start, so is places like this. Try to give information you think might be relevant when asking for help and and help people help you by following their instructions and providing the information they ask for. Finding solutions to problems is like a seperate skill you need to train, so if it’s confusing or you feel dumb for not understanding something, don’t get discouraged, you’re just getting better.

    Welcome to the Linix community, we hope you like it.

    • @WR5@lemmy.mlOP
      09 months ago

      Thank you! I’ll look into them. Why did you decide to choose Fedora over the others you mentioned?

      • By circumstance.

        It was hard for me initially to switch over because i kept either creating or running into problems i couldn’t figure out how to solve.

        This overlapped with the Snowden leaks and i got really interested in privacy and security which lead to me running Qubes OS[1] for a short while. It was a slow and almost painful experience since i didn’t actually have anything worth that effort to protect - but it got me over the edge and i wiped Qubes and reinstalled Fedora 23.

        At the time i just liked the package manager better, for reasons that are no longer relevant.

        Today i like it because it forces me into good habits of: figuring out what exactly is misbehaving > finding the official documentation or issue tracker for it > finding a solution or reporting the it to the developers.

        Don’t tire yourself out with that in the beginning. Just do stuff you need or stuff that seems fun.

        Protip: Learn how to use Toolbx or Distrobox to create a “sandbox”, (that’s both the technical term and a very descriptive one) that will make it easier to get back to a working state if you mess something up. Learn about and understand what it can’t get back to a working state. This will help keep you sane if you like to tinker.

        1 A Linux-like operating system that only runs VMs and everything you do happens inside one of these. This way you can isolate you virtual “work computer” from your virtual “personal computer”, making it harder for malicious programs to access the rest if your data.

      • @LinuxSBC@lemm.ee
        09 months ago

        I’m not them, but I’ll give my reasons. Compared to Ubuntu or Linux Mint, Fedora is more up-to-date, I like the default desktop more, and it uses a method of installing applications called “Flatpak,” which I like more than Ubuntu’s “Snap.” (Snap can be removed on Ubuntu, but Fedora’s default setup is closer to what I want.) Compared to other distros, it is more polished and consistent, largely due to it being backed by a large company. Fedora is really good for both power users and beginners, but being up-to-date can sometimes lead to bugs or incompatibilities, and the default desktop (GNOME) can be hard to adjust to. As a result, I would recommend Linux Mint as a good option for you.

  • @MazonnaCara89@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    The best way to switch imo is to first to switch some of your currently installed app on windows with others that have a linux version, so you will not be entirely lost when you switch os.

    For example Microsoft Office is not available on linux so maybe try libreoffice or onlyoffice, another example Photoshop doesn’t have a linux version too.

    Then maybe try to familiarize with the os on a vm or on a live usb, especially on a live usb so you know what works out of the box and with your hardware.

    If you want to game look for you games on protondb if they work or not, for online games instead watch areweanticheatyeat to see if the anticheat work.

    Last tip is to go with a know distro not something obscure like steamos or kali linux, they are not meant to be used as daily drivers especially kali and can give you problems that will not occurre in other distro!

  • @SmallAlmond@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    09 months ago

    Linux mint is in my opinion the best distro for a new user, but you may personally not be fond of the UI.

    I don’t know how to write a guide for you, but if you have more specific questions feel free to ask them, best of luck!

  • Marxine
    09 months ago

    My main tips are: get the live ISOs of a few of the most used Linux distributions, I’d recommend in particular: Debian (my current one), Mint, Fedora and OpenSUSE.

    For Debian and Fedora, get both the KDE and GNOME editions. OpenSUSE is mainly only KDE, and Mint uses Cinnamon. Those are the “desktop types”.

    Try each live system on a virtual machine and see which one you like best. Your main choice tbh is the desktop environment you like the best (mine is KDE, also called Plasma), each distribution has it’s own way of doing a few things as well.

    Then pick the one you enjoy the most. All of those are long-lived, stable and well-supported and documented.

    Source: me, I’ve used Linux since 2003 and introduced all my family it and they have been using it for years with no issue.

    • @WR5@lemmy.mlOP
      09 months ago

      Okay I’ll try out a few and keep notes on which ones I prefer until I make that “final” decision.

    • @vd1n@lemmy.ml
      09 months ago

      What are the main differences between fedora and Debian?

      Fedora with gnome is usually my go to distro, but I have been playing around with endeavor and arch.

      • Marxine
        9 months ago

        Technical differences:

        Fedora uses RPM for package format, and is made to work with the latest versions of software, so it’s almost a rolling release, and receives VERY constant updates (but it’s still solid). The only other release model is the SilverBlue/Kinoite which is all about having an immutable base system and managing your applications through Flatpak.

        Debian OTOH uses the DEB package format, and comes in 3 update models:

        • unstable (bleeding edge software, breaks may occur) with constant updates
        • testing, or Sid (with actively tested software, more akin to Fedora’s main model. Stuff rarely goes wrong)
        • stable (receives mostly security updates, focus on using battle-tested software versions. Ideal for servers and people who want their system to absolutely not go wrong. It’s my current pick)

        Project differences:

        Fedora is on paper “community driven” but it’s actually backed and steered on by RedHat. There’s also a current proposal about implementing telemetry (turned on by default).

        Debian is entirely community-made and driven, with no big corporation being its owner and/or main sponsor, and it has a stronger focus on FOSS. It’s about as old as RedHat (both have their origins in the early 90s), so you can bet they’ll both be around basically forever.

        Edit: both are great distros, mature, stable and easy to use. Fedora was previously my most beloved, but my relationship with it soured over RedHat’s leadership decisions. Don’t let my current salt take away from the review :')

  • @RamSwamson@lemmy.sdf.org
    09 months ago

    So far my main struggle with any flavor of Linux has been battery drain and ram usage. I haven’t been able to get laptops to suspend properly, they only turn the screen off.

    • @WR5@lemmy.mlOP
      09 months ago

      I’m hoping to keep it on desktop (not allowed to edit my work laptop), so hopefully that won’t be an issue but will keep it in mind for power usage. Thank you!

    • @Dave@lemmy.nz
      09 months ago

      That’s an interesting problem. I’m no expert so can’t help you, but I’m just replying to say it does work for me.

      It may be laptop specific. I have a Framework laptop, and they provide official guides for Linux including setting up for minimal battery drain, so I’m very lucky that way.

  • HTTP_404_NotFound
    09 months ago

    My method was easy.

    Completely removed and eradicated windows, and forced myself to adapt and learn Linux.

    Used it for gaming and everything. No regrets.

    • @WR5@lemmy.mlOP
      09 months ago

      I suppose trial by fire can be a fast method of learning! Thanks for the response!

      • HTTP_404_NotFound
        09 months ago

        It’s very effective.

        Just try not to mess up your xorg.conf.

        That typically ends in pain.

          • HTTP_404_NotFound
            09 months ago

            As long as you don’t break it, things will be just fine!

            But, the second you break it, it’s going to be a long night for you, with lots of pain.

  • Jvrava9
    09 months ago

    I personally started on Linux Mint and after 6 months jumped to Artix. Mint is a very good base to learn and I recommend to just jump in and search everything you dont know how to do and eventually you will know enough to be comfortable using Mint.

      • Jvrava9
        09 months ago

        I wanted to switch to KDE, had broken packages problems on Mint as some required newer ones but Mint did not yet have them and the AUR was a massive gain.

        • @WR5@lemmy.mlOP
          09 months ago

          What made you want to change to KDE? Was it an issue with Mint’s (Cinnamon?) that made you want to change?

          • Jvrava9
            09 months ago

            No, just that I customized the max out of Cinnamon and I wanted more options.

  • Carly™
    09 months ago

    The biggest advice I can give is to start with something like, as has been mentioned, Linux Mint, but also, don’t buy into the idea that you eventually need to move to a more “advanced” distro. If Mint, or wherever you wind up, works for you, and you have no compelling reason to switch, then don’t. All Linux is Linux, so to speak, the only things that distinguish distros are packages/package managers, default settings/configurations, and pre-installed programs. There’s nothing preventing you from eventually becoming a power-user on a “noob-friendly” distro, if that’s something you desire in the first place.

    • @WR5@lemmy.mlOP
      09 months ago

      Okay that’s good to know! Stick with one to get more comfortable until it doesn’t do something I need, basically?