The author managed to run LUnix on an NES without tricks, like embedding a Raspberry Pi into the cartridge.
Unix like OS in 6502 assembly? Dang. I’m impressed. That’s seriously cool.
But theoretically not that difficult? I mean, the whole point of Unix was that it is written in C and therefore platform-independent. Principally, all you need to port a POSIX Unix OS is a C compiler for the architecture that you’re targeting.
Apparently LUnix was originally designed for the Commodore 64 and Commodore 128. I didn’t know such a thing existed for 6502-based systems.
Sounds like it’s time for me to raid the closet. The Commodore 128 is a strange beast (considering the Z80 coprocessor that effectively does nothing, unless you boot CP/M) but playing with a tiny Unix-like OS on it seems like a fun project.
Need LUnix on Ben Eater’s bread board 6502.
He already did waz and ms basic.
Well. Linux on the Dreamcast seems more interesting. Or NetBSD.