Indiana Jones: heavy breathing
The science actually lends support to the idea that a crystal skull can be some kind of alien data storage device.
Gotta say that’s pretty fuckin metal
No, it was glass.
This could not have happened if the individual was heated solely by pyroclastic flows – high-speed currents of gas and other volcanic matter. The temperature of these flows from Vesuvius would not have reached higher than 465°C and would have cooled too slowly.
Ok, so ignoring how that’s pretty low for a pyroclastic flow, I’m pretty sure the evidence for the ash arriving first is the bodies that were encased by it. If the pyroclastic flow hit first, I don’t think any of the actions the people were found in would have lasted long enough to be coated in the preserving ash.
I wonder how many glazed parasites they’ll find in it. Specially fish parasites - mostly from garum, and guess where garum factories were? Near Pompeii.