However, I will keep you guys around, for now …

  • @aaa
    15 months ago

    I don’t understand, what did you do?

    • @interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.mlOP
      05 months ago

      I said something very mean and now I can never go back to reddit.

      There is an appeal button, but I would never stoop to that level. Good riddance !

      If you must know, it was a video where an american flying robot assassin murders 3 humans with an incineration bomb in the middle of a busy street in Baghdad.

      Of course the perpetrators assure us they were “very bad hombres”.

      So I asked, if a foreign nation did that in the middle of New York, how much violence would be justified against the perpetrators.

      Which according to faceless moderator homunculus, is incitation of violence. So they have decided to un-person me to fullest extent of their powers.

      I imagine in the future, such a crime will get be kicked out of the entire metaverse, not just the Snoo mind dungeon.

      Anyway, with all this free time, I think I will abolish the state. All states. The idea of a state. Seems like the right thing to do.

    05 months ago

    Setting aside whether or not you were banned from reddit for legitimate reasons:

    I think this thread, funnily enough, demonstrates that feedback from a community of actual people who might care about a subject is AT LEAST as good as ChatGPT.

    Across 2 separate comments you were given both a succinct explanation for why the problem exists, and an acceptable solution for you. And it took way fewer words than all of what you show of the ChatGPT output, which AFAICT gave you neither, at least not in all the text of your screenshot.

    • @interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.mlOP
      05 months ago

      Yes, human made answers are often better But you have to navigate the social landmine to get it I’m happy with AI’s good enough answers if that means not having to do that. In particular having to self-repress and self-censor. I rather say what I have to say to a mindless robot than endure that again.

        • @interdimensionalmeme@lemmy.mlOP
          05 months ago

          In response to a video where 3 people are incinerated on a busy street in Baghdad.

          We are assured, 'these were bad people of course"

          So I asked, how much violence would be appropriate, if someone did exactly that in New York.

          Reason for ban : incitation of violence

          Not only it’s false, it doesn’t matter what the reason is. All moderator “rules” include catch all rules to delete anything anytime. And it’s not just a reddit problem. It’s an all humans problem. Those horrible people are everywhere.

          Why endure this indignity when some chatbot is good enough anyway ?

    05 months ago

    I’m all for shunning and making fun of reddit but this post is just kinda sad and pathetic. Have fun talking to a bot I guess.