I’ve been testing it and it seems like a good solution for general productivity and a great option for people migrating from MS. It’s open source and cross-platform, but I just don’t see it in any conversations about office software.
For me, it’s so far leagues beyond LibreOffice. I really need something that works on my phone and syncs across devices, and allows collaboration. OnlyOffice seems to fit the bill. It’s also far more intuitive to my preferences.
I am sure that some people wouldn’t like the fact that the interface runs as a webapp, or use of Java, but it’s strange to me that it’s not usually even in the conversation.
Well, Obsidian, Notion, Anytype, Affine can give you a hint of possible directions in this transition. While they still retain document-oriented features, like the concept of Page, they also try to really go for a much richer experience that does away with the limitations inherited from paper-based solutions. Double-linking, composability, fractal properties of pages and nesting (especially in Notion and Anytype), block-based UI, seamless integration of text, databases, and embeds, heavy use of transclusion and other stuff like that.
I would say this alternative system is far from cohesive and mature, but it’s clear some software is emancipating itself from whatever Onlyoffice represents.
Maybe you would find this video interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXiQlLHuK7g
Cool thanks. I get the distinction now. I use Joplin for some of the features mentioned and do like it. Notion sounds pretty neat too.