I want to launch Oobabooga Textgen WebUI from the command line with its serial output. I also want to run a while loop that retrieves the Nvidia GPU memory available and temperature for display on the header bar with a 5 second sleep delay. How do I run both of those at the same time?

  • experbia@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    as already mentioned, ampersand allows you to “background” a task. but if you’d like the output from your program alongside the loop monitoring system info, consider using a terminal multiplexer like tmux.

    on the terminal, this will let you open a “split screen” pane with another shell. you can use hotkeys to create, destroy, or move between views.

    • j4k3@lemmy.worldOP
      8 months ago

      Already using Terminator and just separate terminals with a bunch of unnecessary extras to create a colorful monitoring output that changes colors as I run out of available memory. In truth I just need the number and temperature. I hate the giant Gnome headers, so I might as well put something useful in one. I don’t use the gnome terminal because it can’t split windows and always hogs my space with that obtuse header. I’m trying to make everything simply run from a single command in a single terminal.

      I don’t want to run additional complex tools, especially anything ancient that expects users to memorize unique hotkey commands. My brain is just too small for everyone’s hotkeys and the other things I’m interested in spending time on in life.

      Worst case I can nest my functions another layer deep. I think there should be a way to do this inside a single function.