I’m starting to read after a very long time - it has been decades, since I’ve “read” anything properly. Can I get a good recommendation?

  • Mr_Blott@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I always recommend The One Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out Of A Window And Disappeared

    Though you might like to start with an easy thriller to get you hooked. Maybe the Jack Reacher series?

    The most immediately gripping book I’ve read recently is The Breach by Patrick Lee

  • Berttheduck@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    Highly recommend a long way to a small angry planet by Becky Chambers. Sci-fi book, lovely atmosphere, very cosy. Highly recommend the whole series.

  • Fondots@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Back when I was a kid I devoured book, usually had 2 going at any given time. Unfortunately my high school for some reason pushed reading really hard, damn near every class had us reading something, even one or two of the advanced math classes assigned books, so I was often juggling 2 or 3 books on top of what I wanted to read myself, one of our homeroom periods a week was mandatory SSR (sustained silent reading) where we were required to be reading something, and it really kind of killed my love of reading and iv been trying to get it back ever since.

    I’ve had a lot of starts and stops, and I’ve never quite gotten my groove back entirely, but when I’ve been successful at getting back into reading for a while, it’s usually started with something familiar. Rereading an old favorite, continuing a series I started, or reading something that I’d seen a movie adaptation of. Trying to jump back in headfirst is rough, and sometimes you have to kind of remind yourself why you used to enjoy reading.

    Also, I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’ll probably never read like I used to, I’m at a different place in my life, I have other things going on that need my attention, and reading is supposed to be fun, not a chore that I do because I need to check it off of my to-do list.

    My wife reads a lot, she has goals to read X books by the end of the year or whatever, and Ishe enjoys it, but personally that’s not for me, that sounds too much like the kind of homework that turned me off of reading years ago.

  • William@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    I’ve been into Progression Fantasy lately. Everyone I know who read Naomi Navik’s Scholomance series loved it. I also really enjoyed Cradle, Menocht Loop, and … hm, others, but nothing is popping into my head.

  • fpslem@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Martha Wells’ Murderbot series is funny, fast, and breezy. The first one, All Systems Red, is basically novella length, and a good yarn.