• slaacaa@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Item #: SCP-███

    Object Class: Euclid

    Special Containment Procedures: SCP-███ is to be housed in a hermetically sealed containment chamber at Site-███. The chamber must be equipped with industrial-grade air filtration systems and must be disinfected hourly. Personnel entering the chamber must wear Level A hazmat suits and carry a personal air purification unit. Under no circumstances should personnel remain within SCP-███’s containment chamber for more than 15 minutes.

    Description: SCP-XXXX is a 27-year-old Caucasian male, previously known as █████ ███████, who has been the subject of an anomalous physiological change resulting from an extended period of poor personal hygiene. SCP-███ possesses the belief that abstaining from cleaning his genital area will produce pheromones attractive to women. This belief has manifested an anomalous property in SCP-███, generating a noxious odor that repels humans within a 250-meter radius.

    The odor produced by SCP-███ has been classified as SCP-███-1. SCP-███-1 has been shown to cause immediate nausea, disorientation, and a strong instinctual urge to flee in exposed subjects. Continued exposure leads to more severe symptoms, including vomiting, temporary blindness, and in some cases, auditory hallucinations.

    Addendum ███-A: Extract for Psychological Evaluation

    Dr. ███████: Can you explain why you continue this… regimen, despite its effects?

    SCP-███: You don’t understand. I’m on the verge of a breakthrough. They just haven’t smelled it long enough. They’ll come around. They always do in the end.