• @rekabis@programming.dev
    05 months ago

    As a Canadian looking from the outside in, it really does seem to be trending in that direction… any further Republican wins will mean the end of democracy, with America sliding into a ChristoFascist Autocracy.

    I fear for my American neighbours, but we have similar problems up here; we just happen to be a decade or so behind you folk.

      • Mossy Feathers
        05 months ago

        It actually potentially does. I’d suggest looking into Project 2025. If you’re not familiar with it, it’s a political battle plan being put forward by a bunch of hard-right think tanks with substantial connections which would effectively establish a theocracy in the US. My understanding is that part of the plan hinges on the president basically removing anyone who can stop him and replace them with sycophants (which they’re currently populating a list of). The idea is that if they’re able to remove enough people, they can do whatever they want. They don’t need a majority in the supreme court or house of representatives because they can just ignore them; the sycophants will follow whatever orders they’re given regardless of what the house or court says.

        To put it another way, they’ve realized the house and scotus only have power if that power is respected; if they remove anyone in-between the president and the other branches who’d say “no” and replace them with yes-men, then there’s no one to stop the president from doing whatever he wants. That said, I’d be willing to bet the moment the president says “no” to the scotus is the moment they’ll make a show of how much power they truly have, but it’ll get really bloody if that happens.

        • @PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
          05 months ago

          You know Lincoln told the supreme court to fuck off right? Was he “dictator” was it the end of democracy? Were people like you reading bathroom scrawling and screeching about project 1862?

  • @limelight79@lemm.ee
    05 months ago

    Oh, I’m sure they would still hold elections. But your options would be even more limited. “Sorry, but the other parties just didn’t run any candidates for this election. Imagine that.”

    • @PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
      05 months ago

      News Flash: We are already there in a lot of districts and the entrenched Capitalist parties like it that way. Maybe stop voting for them? It’s the least you can do.

  • @Omega_Haxors@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    More like “It doesn’t matter how you vote, the evil party is going to win because the slightly-less-evil party just lost a large chunk of their voter base because funding a ethnic genocide in the middle east was a hill they were dying on”

    Do your part by voting for the slightly less shit party, but don’t be surprised when it happens anyway, they’re counting on it. They want it. Whenever they need to do something evil they can just throw the election so the republicans can take the hit for them, just like every time.

  • @PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
    05 months ago

    Never voting again sounds good to me, since that way people would realize how pointless it is. Unfortunately neither option will lead to that outcome and people will pat themselves on the back after voting for the Capitalist party.

    • @MisterD@lemmy.ca
      05 months ago

      You would probably still vote but there would only be one party to vote for. Voting might become mandatory too

        • @MisterD@lemmy.ca
          05 months ago

          We’d be voting for the Nazi party, silly. Any other party would be declared a terrorist organization and all members would be arrested or worse.

          • @PowerCrazy@lemmy.ml
            05 months ago

            Oh that sounds terrible. So we should vote for a party who doesn’t agree with, doesn’t support, and doesn’t call those people friends while they hangout at the same fund raising parties right?