I’m doing a quick review of the Addons that I am using on my Windows PC. I’ve had a look at some of the previous posts to try to get an idea of where things are at
Currently I have the following Container related Addons but I think things have moved on a bit since I looked at this.
This means that opening Facebook and Google automatically goes into relevant containers and using Switch I can create separate containers for Work, Banking etc.
I noticed that I’m not using Mozzilla’s Multi-Account Containers
Ideally I’d like to be able to:
- Have Facebook and Google Open in their own containers
- Potentially open separate containers for different Google Accounts
- Allocate other domains to open by default in a specific container (e.g a list of Bank websites into a specific container) but be able to override that
- Have links from Thunderbird open in relevant containers
What are people using in terms of Container addons?
I’m just using Mozilla’s Multi-Account Containers extension. In my work’s infinite wisdom I have a total of five “single sign on” accounts. So I have different containers for each account so I avoid the endless “which account would you like to use” and “this account doesn’t have access to this resource”.
The extension allows me to set specific domains to always open in container X. That covers 90℅ of my use cases. Some sites I need to use different accounts with and for that I have to select which one to use each time.
I didn’t even know there were addons besides the multi container built in. I have containers for multiple Google accounts, work, Facebook, and Microsoft. Certain domains auto open in certain containers.
Am I going to come out of this adding Amazon Containers? I guess there is an avantage of being able to use provided domain lists for the big players but it would seem that it would be better if this was a single Add-One - and part of Multi-Acccount Containers.
I’m not sure what the resource impact of adding additional Addons is
Facebook is good and I especially like the amazon container. It’s well calibrated and I’ll occasionally open a website unknowing and think, “wow, I didn’t even realize that [IMDB, Good Reads, etc.] Was an Amazon site.”
Very helpful.
I’ve noticed that increasingly there is a requirement to accept cookies for service - Now I know that this is potentialy not legal in the EU - its happening. So at least if you are limiting interaction of third party cookies across different containers and using different identies - there is some advange - and it allow you to maintain different personas as such. They are all only seeing a slice of your activity - Thoughts?
Containers don’t necessarily help privacy in an absolute sense but help keep trackers from following you across as many sites.