• @Naz@sh.itjust.works
    25 months ago

    Fun fact: The human battery thing is actually a retcon the Wazowskis did at the last moment because they thought the American public would be too stupid to grok the actual understanding of the Matrix.

    Humans are an entropic species, they consume more energy than they produce - any synthetic race that tried to harness energy from a net negative energy producer is an idiot.

    What the Matrix is, is actually a distributed simulation MATRIX that uses individual human brains as nodes in a shared, hallucinogenic dream, indistinguishable from reality.

    The real simulation isn’t so primitive, it doesn’t require people to be popsicle tubes in some crazy dystopian cyberpunk black and red tower attended by insectoid robots.

    Instead the entire universe is contained on a single state machine, compromising a [redacted] amount of memory, running in [redacted]. Simulants are never aware of being inside of the simulation, except for rare instances where outsiders occasionally post on Lemmy.

    Why they do that, we don’t know. We suspect that it is [all further content redacted].

    • @thehatfox@lemmy.world
      15 months ago

      The distributed computing explanation for purpose of the Matrix doesn’t seem to make much more sense than the power plant one.

      All of the nodes are continuously occupied by living in the simulation. Unless the machines had a desperate need to understand human society circa 1999, there is nothing useful the machines could do with all the brain power.

  • @Sarcasmo220@lemmy.ml
    15 months ago

    And now on YouTube the Red Pill symbolizes accepting misogyny as the backbone for society.

    Conservatives can truly spin everything for the worst.

    • @Bye@lemmy.world
      05 months ago

      Pretty sure it means accepting that you’re trans

      And the blue pill symbolizes continuing to pretend to be someone else

      Like the whole movie is a trans allegory, especially considering the creators.

      • @chayleaf@lemmy.ml
        05 months ago

        One of the creators said “that’s not the original intention, but sure, you could read it that way too” in some interview

      • @Sarcasmo220@lemmy.ml
        05 months ago

        I can certainly see that in regards to the movie. I think I read somewhere too that the character “Switch” would switch genders from the real world into the Matrix. I think it would have been real cool if it had made it to the movie.

    • @antidote101@lemmy.world
      05 months ago

      …as well as for whether you’d choose to know harsh realities over comforting dreams. Capitalism has a few choices and perspectives in this regard.

    • @sealhaslupus@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      and also an allegory for transitioning

      edit: there’s a reason why the wachowski brothers are no longer brothers

  • twelve20two
    05 months ago

    I feel so bad for Laurence Fishburne. This pic does him dirty. It’s got him looking like the cenobite Butterball