• @Zoidberg@lemm.ee
    04 months ago

    I was looking at my Goodreads account and I’ve read around 300+ sci-fi books. There are TONS of stories that could be awesomely adapted to TV. Why do they insist on rehashing the same old shit?

    • @maegul@lemmy.ml
      4 months ago

      Cuz Hollywood is dying or going through a dark age. No faith in trying new things. Complete profit driven cynicism from the top. An interest in only making substantial profits when entertainment is probably best run as a low-profit industry so that risks can be taken in order to enrich and progress culture.

      How does anyone else feel about the quality of writing they’ve been seeing lately? I feel like I can detect a drop in quality over the past couple of years. At first I thought it was all the work done over the pandemic but I feel like it’s persisting.

    • nomad
      04 months ago

      People that liked this show as teens now earn money fulltime. So the answer is: consumers with cash reliving their childhood.

    • @Kusimulkku@lemm.ee
      04 months ago

      Well last time they rehashed Battlestar Galactica it actually went well, so can’t knock all rehashing imo

      • @Zoidberg@lemm.ee
        04 months ago

        Went well? Seriously? First year was good and I liked it. From that point on it was downhill. An entire year lost on semi religious cult BS. Then another year lost in a muddy planet. Then all the “All along the watchtower” mess. With the most stupid ending conceivable. “Let’s throw the ships into the sun”. Why??? Oh and we made such a mess with the story that Starbucks just disappeared out of thin air…

    • Drusas
      04 months ago

      Or if they didn’t use the IP to keep rehashing the same stories and make something unique.

  • Teon
    04 months ago

    Yay! More tv shows getting ruined because the entertainment industry has Zero creativity!

  • @dangblingus@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    04 months ago

    I feel if it only really achieved cult fame during the new golden age of television, a reboot of a cult show made during the most popular era of television is going to not be as popular and be objectively worse. I would generally be up to be proven wrong, but I wish they’d leave BSG alone unless it was some kind of continuation or spinoff instead of a reboot.