Transphobic comments

Intentionally silencing the truth

    06 months ago

    There are many people like this, who hate Firefox and love Brave/Chromium, hate GNOME, hate Rust, hate Systemd and so on. It is easy to identify these chuds once you talk to them for a little while, or sometimes even observing their internet commentary.

    6 months ago

    He has a point, but it’s not really limited to trans people.

    Mental illness in general seems to be revered among this generation, for some reason. I had to make some decisions about what sexes to include in my app, and I just went with ‘male, female, and other.’ I know that’s going to piss some people off, but they can just deal with it.

    The amount of additional work required to add and maintain a list of genders just isn’t worth it. Thankfully this is mostly an issue in Western culture, and my app is worldwide.

    People with an agenda expect you to bend over backwards to support that agenda because they care more about their agenda than what you’re actually doing.