I wanted to start using a budgeting program to better organize my spending/ goals, and basically narrowed it down to 3 --YNAB, Actual and Quicken Simplifi.

I setup a self-hosted instance of Actual and was able to import my spending from my account by exporting from my bank and importing into the app, however this seemed like it might get tedious over time, so I decided to try YNAB.

So far this has been pretty straight forward. I’m still waiting for things to sync up with my linked accounts, but I like it so far. I would try Simplifi but there’s no trial period there; though the graphs and UI make it seem appealing.

Anyone here have any experience with Simplifi/ YNAB, and why might you chose one over the other?

  • triptrapper@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I’ve never heard of Simplifi, but I’ve been using YNAB for about 10 years. I don’t know what I would do without it. YNAB is the reason I’ve been able to afford all the things that are important to me - vacations, Christmas presents, dates with my partner, random gifts. It’s so valuable to me I would gladly pay twice the subscription price.

  • Z3k3@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Ynab is what we use works well for us. However the version we use we bought in steam at the end of a summer sale. I believe its on a subscription model now (you need to budget I’m your budget sodtware)

    The version we are on from what I can see can be knocked up in a spreadsheet but it may have changed since then

  • Drukail@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I’ve used YNAB on and off for about 20 years and solidly for the last 6 or so years and I generally like it. I don’t have anything to compare it to because I haven’t really used anything else. I tried Mint briefly, but didn’t like it and it isn’t option anymore anyway.

    The price seems to be getting a bit high, but I would never switch to a free alternative. When it comes to my finances, I would prefer to pay for any services with a company that might be trustworthy. I haven’t seen anything concerning about YNAB so far.

    At this point, if I ever drop YNAB, I’ll probably just switch to a spreadsheet. Maybe I’ll even go back to the old spreadsheet version of YNAB; as far as I know, they still honor the old licenses for those.