I want to say, right now, that there will be no more discussion of Reddit. I am sorry for those four posts. I hope won’t be any Twitter posts; despite AI users posting on Twitter, I’m just as sick of it as you guys are of Reddit (maybe even more so). I’ve heard, long before Musk bought the site, what people are “doing on Twitter”. I’d hear this site on the AM radio, on TV, on news articles complete with an embedded link to the tweet, and in physical books from 2018 onwards. It isn’t just the awful users, it’s the mechanics–you can only have 280 characters;you cannot “dislike” a post or comment; and there is a constant loss of tweets that are too old; and the bottomless scrolling. It’s as if the site wants you to forget what you saw after a month.


Still, I’ve not been having a lot of traffic for this community. I’ve always thought about making sure everyone knows how awful AI is, and why there should be legal action against it. So, here’s what I want to ask:

  • What kind of posts aren’t allowed? Sitewide rules, like “no bigotry”, are redundant.
  • What counts as a good post? Should posts make fun of AI, or should it just be the facts?
  • Should a more general community, like “Fuck Big Tech”, be created?
  • Should a more narrow community, like “Fuck AI Imagery” or “AI Circlejerk”, be created?
  • What technology counts as AI? Is it the entirety of neural networks, or just some part of it?
  • How should we deal with people that like AI?


My stance is that the development of Artifical Intelligence, by which I mean digital neural networks designed to perfectly mimic photographs, sounds, and human behavior, should be shut down, paused, or sabotaged as much as possible. I know that some people think that it’s going to completely upend society. However, due to the heavy energy costs of the technology relative to the realism and quantity of its output, an ideal start should be shutting down the servers of large developers like OpenAI and Midjourney. Any small-scale project involving AI will have all sorts of telltale signs, so thus its output will be noticeable as AI, and thus cannot fabricate pornography, legal evidence, or steal from human artists. If you have any criticisms, please tell me, but I won’t be liking AI at all.