Tens of thousands of Tesla owners have had the suspension or steering of their vehicles — even in practically brand new ones — fail in recent years. Newly obtained documents show how Tesla engineers internally called these incidents “flaws” and “failures.”

Nonetheless, some of the documents suggest technicians were told to tell consumers that these failures weren’t due to faulty parts, but the result of drivers “abusing” their vehicles, which highlights the EV maker and its CEO Elon Musk’s infamous way of handling customer complaints.

  • @vexikron@lemmy.zip
    04 months ago

    Mhm, knows more about manufacturing than anyone alive on Earth.

    I guess it’ll be fun/sad to watch StarShip 3 either detonate on the launch pad or before it passes the Karman Line.

    • @MrSpArkle@lemmy.ca
      04 months ago

      Rockets are harder than cars, so hopefully this means Elon is too stupid to contribute anything but haughty goals while the actual engineers make sure we don’t blow up any astronauts.

      • @erwan@lemmy.ml
        04 months ago

        He did ask them to make the rocket pointy so it looks like the rocket in Sacha Baron Cohen’s “The Dictator”.

        And they complied.