• @0xtero@beehaw.org
    04 months ago

    Look. FOSS project fundraisers are cool and everything… nothing wrong with that, but you could have given a bit more context instead of going for the “shock value” link. The project you linked to is a LineageOS fork as far as I understand - and I don’t really see how Android ROM would have any relation to Mozilla Corp CEO bonus - or even to Firefox, the community you posted this to?

    • 乇ㄥ乇¢ㄒ尺ㄖ
      4 months ago

      and I don’t really see how Android ROM would have any relation to Mozilla Corp CEO bonus - or even to Firefox

      If it counts as a relationship, they maintain a hardened fork of Firefox Mobile called Mull, and their Android ROM is neat, if Mozilla kept working on Firefox OS we wouldn’t have ended up with a duopoly today, so I guess what OP is trying to say is that Divest Computing group is doing what Mozilla should have done years ago