• @stolid_agnostic@lemmy.ml
    05 months ago

    You put down half a thought. So what are you going to do, vote for an actual fascist or not vote so that an actual fascist wins?

    • TC_209 [he/him, comrade/them]
      05 months ago

      I was going to vote for Biden but now I won’t because you acted with such brutal incivility. This is the most important election of our lives; democracy itself is on the ballot and you are turning people away from the polls before they’ve even opened. You are handing Trump the keys to the White House; you are ushering in the dark tide of fascism. Enjoy the next election, you have made it our last.

          5 months ago

          What’s the matter, peckerwood; don’t like you guys’s favorite thought-terminators getting flippantly flung back in your face? Gee, who’d have fucking thought?

          Understand, if the choice is between genocidal crypto-fascism and genocidal fascism-obvious, I have no issue with watching your country die instead. Better we go out than the whole rest of the world under our boot. I would rather die, and I would rather we as a collective fell, than ever support another fascist for any fucking reason.