On the occasion of International Workers Day, which falls on the 1st of May, we invite all movements, unions, and workers’ federations around the world to a week of solidarity events with the workers of Palestine and the Gaza Strip, by organizing demonstrations and marches that roam the capitals and cities of the world, supporting and endorsing the rights of Palestinian workers in Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Al-Quds, and the occupied interior, and to reject, criminalize, and expose all forms of crime and injustice they face, due to the Zionist occupation.

Furthermore, we direct our call to the transportation unions and port workers, specifically inviting them not to deal with Zionist shipping companies, and to intensify all forms of boycott\s against the criminal Zionist occupation, which commits genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, actively participating with all labor union formations, in the week of solidarity with the workers of Palestine.