Saying Bibi Netanyahu speaks for all Jews is like saying the KKK speaks for all Christians.
Calling Netanyahu an genocidal nazi asshole, also has nothing to do with anti-semitism, is a fact.
A french comedian got blasted because he called Bibi a nazi without a foreskin. I thought it was fitting and hilarious.
Bernie is the Jewish grandpa the world needs.
I’ve gotten to discount the calls of antisemitism out of hand now, it’s used for anything that is against Israeli policy. If they want it to lose it’s meaning and impact, they’re going about it the right way.
I have seen many foreign representatives speak on the international stage. Netanyahu’s recent play at the racism card took me to a whole new level of outrage. Such bullshit and condemnation (he actually said it) on the level of Putin but at least with Putin you’re not also getting a “Give me more weapons pwease” tagged to it. We need to drop our dear allies like Israel and SA. I’m sure there’s more but those two are at the top.
how is he being held accountable?
I wish Bernie had a protege, he’s getting awfully old