Not directly related to this blog post but from NixOS discourse forum, a tl;dr from another person about the NixOS drama here :

If you’re looking for a TL;DR of the situation, here it is:

    Nix community had a governance crisis for years. While there has been progress on building explicit teams to govern the project, it continued to fundamentally rely on implicit authority and soft power

    Eelco Dolstra, as one of the biggest holders of this implicit authority and soft power, has continuously abused this authority to push his decisions, and to block decisions that he doesn’t like

    Crucially, he also used his implicit authority to block any progress on solving this governance crisis and establishing systems with explicit authority

    This has led uncountably many people to burn out over the issue, and culminated in writing an open letter to have Eelco resign from all formal positions in the project and take a 6 month break from any involvement in the community

    Eelco wrote a response that largely dismisses the issues brought up, and advertises his company’s community as a substitute for Nix community
    5 months ago

    So basically it’s a matter of transparency (or lack there of)?
    Sorry, it’s a lot to read and reading OCD doesn’t help.

    5 months ago

    I’m not gonna read this person’s Evangelion analogy, but I did go to the trouble to hunt down what Jon Ringer actually did.

    Here’s a link.

    I don’t agree with him, and representation of particular minority groups, including gender minorities, are important when they are particularly under attack. It is important to actively resist the marginalization of groups under attack by elevating their voices.

    That said, I’m not sure what Jon did was actually “actionable”. I’d say, stop listening to him and treating him as a leader? As someone with lots of close trans friends, I think this guy lowkey sucks, but I think this suspension is weird.

      5 months ago

      Thank you. Reading the article was a complete train wreck that left me more confused then informed.

    • lemmyreader@lemmy.mlOP
      5 months ago

      I’m not gonna read this person’s Evangelion analogy, but I did go to the trouble to hunt down what Jon Ringer actually did.

      Here’s a link.

      Thanks. From the same page I found this which has a tl;dr which is maybe useful for other readers.

      The open letter is very vague at some points. It tries to outline some real issues that require years of context to fully grasp. Without having this necessary context - it is very hard to follow some of the points made, and evidence seems very poor.

      This repository aims to list some key points that are easy to understand without all of the context. This is a compilation of damning evidence for Eelco’s leadership, essentially.

      If you’re looking for a TL;DR of the situation, here it is:

      • Nix community had a governance crisis for years. While there has been progress on building explicit teams to govern the project, it continued to fundamentally rely on implicit authority and soft power

      • Eelco Dolstra, as one of the biggest holders of this implicit authority and soft power, has continuously abused this authority to push his decisions, and to block decisions that he doesn’t like

      • Crucially, he also used his implicit authority to block any progress on solving this governance crisis and establishing systems with explicit authority

      • This has led uncountably many people to burn out over the issue, and culminated in writing an open letter to have Eelco resign from all formal positions in the project and take a 6 month break from any involvement in the community

      • Eelco wrote a response that largely dismisses the issues brought up, and advertises his company’s community as a substitute for Nix community

    5 months ago

    That reads like someone with minor mental illness. Rambling. Evangelion. Rambling.

    I clicked their resume and there’s no evidence they contributed a single line of code to the project. Yet they demand the person who wrote most of it step down? Yeah.

    Write your own project and manage it how you want. Don’t threaten others. Do your own thing.

      5 months ago

      I’d just like to remind the passing reader that creating an open source project does not entitle you to do whatever you want and tell people to “make their own thing” if they don’t like it. Open source projects are the result of a massive collaborative effort and the resulting work is the product of a whole community laboring to make it happen. Signed: someone with a major mental illness.

        5 months ago

        does not entitle you to do whatever you want and tell people to “make their own thing” if they don’t like it.

        He not only wrote it but made it open source so if anyone doesn’t like what he’s doing they can take all of his work and make their own project.

        The author of NixOS couldn’t have been more generous. If anyone doesn’t like it, they can take all his work that he did for free and make it their own project.

        Threatening the creator is wrong.

          5 months ago

          I understand that and it is indeed a good thing to publicly license your work rather than keep that to yourself. Still, no matter how virtuous one’s actions are, that does not mean the people who come to deposit their time and work for a project should accept everything that person does simply because they started it.

          People are entitled to argue about the project they participate in, and that is even more true for open source software, where the contributions of the community eventually become much greater than any single human can accomplish. I really do not understand this mentality of “this person created it, therefore if you don’t like any of their decision suck it up or go make your own fork”, it is very narrow and a horrible way to conduct anything, really anything, much less a collaborative project.

            5 months ago

            should accept everything that person does simply because they started it.

            They don’t have to!!! He gave it to you for free to do with it what you want.

            Giving you something for free doesn’t entitle you to threaten him.

    5 months ago

    I didn’t understand a thing about what the actual issues were.

    Based on comments I can see that Jon Ringer objected to inserting gender minority person as a requirement for committee board.

    So, why is he wrong? I totally agree that gender minorities deserve recognition, but making it a hard requirement for having a committee board sounds like nepotism.

      5 months ago

      This is a basic represention and inclusion issue. Unless you are actively seeking out voices of those minorities and addressing their concerns you will have a reinforcing loop where behaviour that puts people off engaging will continue and it will continue to limit people from those minorities being involved (and in the worst case causing active harm to some people who end getting involved). From what I understand the behaviour that has been demonstrated and from who those people leaving it is clear this is active issue within Nix. Having a diverse range of people and perspectives will actually make the outputs (software) and community generally better. It’s about recognising the problems in the formal and informal structures you are creating and working to address them.

      Additionally, but just to clarify nepotism would be giving positions based on relationships with people in power and not ensuring that your board contains a more representative set of backgrounds and perspectives.

        5 months ago

        Suppose I have 1000 people from community and 10 out of them are gender minorities. I then have 5 projects, each with 10 members on board committee, and I want a representative of gender minority in each of them. And I choose hard workers based on merit, the best of the best.

        In such case I will be choosing 9*5 = 45 people out of 1000, and specifically I add 1*5 = 5 people out of those 10.

        So the board committees will have 45 members each with at least 955/1000 = 95.5% percentile performance, and additionally 5 members of gender minorities, each with 5/10 = 50% performance.

        The gender minorities will perform worse, because we specifically singled them out of the crowd. This is not how you improve diversity.

          5 months ago

          Others have replied pointing out this is a strawman and that merit doesn’t make any sense as a metric if you have discrimination. In practice performance (‘merit’) is complex interaction between an individual’s skills and talent and the environment and support they get to thrive. If you have an environment that structurally and openly discriminates against a certain subclass of people and then chose on “merit” you are just further entrenching that discrimination.

          This is a project that seemed to be having specific problems on gender that was causing harm and leading to losing talent. In a voluntary role particularly this is a death spiral for the project as a whole. Without goodwill and passion open source projects of any meaningful size just wouldn’t survive.

          I’m glad you care enough about diversity and evidence to have worked out how to solve these problems without empowering and listening to those minorities. Please do share it.

    5 months ago

    Looking at this from the outside as a non Nix user, I see two things:

    • The community is melting down over something.
    • If this is the state of the Nix community where will the support go when it fractures?

    If I was asked to evaluate NixOS for something and saw this, I’d keep looking, because this spells disaster for ongoing maintenance.

      5 months ago

      Not the drama itself should influence your judgment, but how they will deal with it.

      Whenever people work together on something, there will be some drama, but if they are dealing with it, then that should be fine.

      Nix and NixOS are big enough, that even if it fails, there are enough other people that will continue it, maybe under a different name.

      Even it that causes a hard fork, which I currently think is unlikely, there are may examples where that worked and resolved itself over time, without too much of burden on the users, meaning there are clear migration processes available: owncloud/nextcloud, Gogs/Gitea/Forgejo, redis/valkey, …

    5 months ago

    I would also like to have made this a video of some kind to make it more personal (mostly so you can hear my voice and intonation/emotion in it), but it would take me too long to make it at my current production schedule timelines. I’ve already been spending a fucking month working on a mostly done Pikmin 3 speedrun video that has been constantly interrupted by this shit. As much as I’d like to do this, I don’t think it’s in the cards.

    5 months ago

    Ok please don’t hang me for this, I’m genuinely curious. Why does it seem like the only people who are upset about NixOS are 1. transgender, and 2. can’t actually pinpoint exact problems, or offer any solutions, but expect other people to magically change somehow?

    Is there something I’m missing?

    Why are identity politics even allowed to be discussed in an unrelated field (software development) in the first place? Seems it always just leads to people getting upset when you can just not talk about it as it’s really not related at all to my knowledge.

      5 months ago

      Why are identity politics even allowed to be discussed in an unrelated field (software development) in the first place? Seems it always just leads to people getting upset when you can just not talk about it as it’s really not related at all to my knowledge.

      I can kinda agree here. In the open source community, identity politics should be especially irrelevant. The FOSS licences are explicitly designed in a way to not discriminate based on such factors like race, religion, gender, nationality, biological sex, political views, etc. However, from what I can gleam from the blog, it seems somehow related to the COC and maintainer behavior and a lack of transparency rather than “identity politics”. In what way, idk because the article doesn’t seem to specify any specific verifiable incident, at least from what I can tell. But I will say, that if it is a matter of the COC, that the COC is supposed to be a protection of the right for an individual to be able to express themselves in an environment that won’t prosecute them. So, in this regard it’d make sense to if say someone was being miss gendered maliciously, it’d likely violate the COC. In this regard, the right for one to express one’s self doesn’t give one the right to harass others because you don’t agree with how they’re expressing themself.

      5 months ago

      What makes you think (“identity”) politics are unrelated to software development? Software development is deeply entrenched in politics. It’s just that, just as in most topics that don’t have politics as their main thing, a lot of people would rather pretend it’s not.

      Any community of people presupposes politics. If it doesn’t show, most likely it’s a very narrow or homogeneous group of people, which involves excluding/shunning others to defend this narrowness. So that has its own sort of problem too.